
One of the great things about Haskell is its brainy type system that allows one to enforce a variety of invariants at compile time, thereby nipping in the bud a large swathe of run-time errors.

Well-Typed Programs Do Go Wrong

Alas, well-typed programs do go quite wrong, in a variety of ways.

Division by Zero This innocuous function computes the average of a list of integers:

average :: [Int] -> Int average xs = sum xs `div` length xs

We get the desired result on a non-empty list of numbers:

ghci> average [10, 20, 30, 40]

However, if we call it with an empty list, we get a rather unpleasant crash: 1

ghci> average []
*** Exception: divide by zero

Associative key-value maps are the new lists; they come “built-in” with modern languages like Go, Python, JavaScript and Lua; and of course, they’re widely used in Haskell too.

ghci> :m +Data.Map 
ghci> let m = fromList [ ("haskell", "lazy")
                       , ("ocaml"  , "eager")]

ghci> m ! "haskell"

Alas, maps are another source of vexing errors that are tickled when we try to find the value of an absent key: 2

ghci> m ! "javascript"
"*** Exception: key is not in the map

Say what? How can one possibly get a segmentation fault with a safe language like Haskell. Well, here’s the thing: every safe language is built on a foundation of machine code, or at the very least, C. Consider the ubiquitous vector library:

ghci> :m +Data.Vector
ghci> let v = fromList ["haskell", "ocaml"]
ghci> unsafeIndex v 0

However, invalid inputs at the safe upper levels can percolate all the way down and stir a mutiny down below: 3

ghci> unsafeIndex v 3
'ghci' terminated by signal SIGSEGV ...

Finally, for certain kinds of programs, there is a fate worse than death. text is a high-performance string processing library for Haskell, that is used, for example, to build web services.

ghci> :m +Data.Text Data.Text.Unsafe
ghci> let t = pack "Voltage"
ghci> takeWord16 5 t

A cunning adversary can use invalid, or rather, well-crafted, inputs that go well outside the size of the given text to read extra bytes and thus extract secrets without anyone being any the wiser.

ghci> takeWord16 20 t

The above call returns the bytes residing in memory immediately after the string Voltage. These bytes could be junk, or could be either the name of your favorite TV show, or, more worryingly, your bank account password.

Refinement Types

Refinement types allow us to enrich Haskell’s type system with predicates that precisely describe the sets of valid inputs and outputs of functions, values held inside containers, and so on. These predicates are drawn from special logics for which there are fast decision procedures called SMT solvers.

By combining types with predicates you can specify contracts which describe valid inputs and outputs of functions. The refinement type system guarantees at compile-time that functions adhere to their contracts. That is, you can rest assured that the above calamities cannot occur at run-time.

LiquidHaskell is a Refinement Type Checker for Haskell, and in this tutorial we’ll describe how you can use it to make programs better and programming even more fun. 4


Do you

  • know a bit of basic arithmetic and logic?
  • know the difference between a nand and an xor?
  • know any typed languages e.g. ML, Haskell, Scala, F# or (Typed) Racket?
  • know what forall a. a -> a means?
  • like it when your code editor politely points out infinite loops?
  • like your programs to not have bugs?

Then this tutorial is for you!

Getting Started

As of July 2020, LiquidHaskell, version 0.8.10 onwards, is available as a GHC plugin.

This means, roughly, that you need simply

  1. Add LH to your project dependencies, after which
  2. GHC produces LH type errors whenever you compile the code, so that you can
  3. View errors using your favorite editor’s existing Haskell tooling.

LiquidHaskell Requires (in addition to the cabal dependencies) a binary for an SMTLIB2 compatible solver, e.g. one of

This Tutorial is written in literate Haskell and the code for it is available here. Hence, we strongly recommend you grab the code, and follow along, and especially that you do the exercises, via two steps.

Step 1 Clone the code repository,

git clone --recursive

Step 2: Try building the code using

cabal v2-build


stack build --fast --file-watch

If your environment is set up correctly, compilation will stop with a Liquid type error:

src/Tutorial_01_Introduction.lhs:30:27: error:
    Liquid Type Mismatch
    The inferred type
      VV : {v : GHC.Types.Int | v >= 0
                                && v == len xs}
    is not a subtype of the required type
      VV : {VV : GHC.Types.Int | VV /= 0}
    in the context
      xs : {v : [GHC.Types.Int] | len v >= 0}
30 | average xs = sum xs `div` length xs
   |                           ^^^^^^^^^

Step 3: Iteratively edit-compile the code in src/ until it builds without any liquid type errors.

The above workflow will let you use whatever GHC/Haskell tooling you use for your favorite editor, to automatically display LH errors as well.

If you’d like to copy and paste code snippets into the web demo, instead of cloning the repo, note that you may need to pass --no-termination to liquid, or equivalently, add the pragma {-@ LIQUID "--no-termination" @-} to the top of the source file. (By default, liquid tries to ensure that all code it examines will terminate. Some of the code in this tutorial is written in such a way that termination is not immediately obvious to LH.)

Note: This tutorial is a work in progress, and we will be very grateful for feedback and suggestions, ideally via pull-requests on github.

Lets begin!

  1. We could write average more defensively, returning a Maybe or Either value. However, this merely kicks the can down the road. Ultimately, we will want to extract the Int from the Maybe and if the inputs were invalid to start with, then at that point we’d be stuck.↩︎

  2. Again, one could use a Maybe but it’s just deferring the inevitable.↩︎

  3. Why use a function marked unsafe? Because it’s very fast! Furthermore, even if we used the safe variant, we’d get a run-time exception which is only marginally better. Finally, we should remember to thank the developers for carefully marking it unsafe, because in general, given the many layers of abstraction, it is hard to know which functions are indeed safe.↩︎

  4. If you are familiar with the notion of Dependent Types, for example, as in the Coq proof assistant, then Refinement Types can be thought of as restricted class of the former where the logic is restricted, at the cost of expressiveness, but with the reward of a considerable amount of automation.↩︎