Safely Catching A List By Its Tail
Previously we saw some examples of how refinements
could be used to encode invariants about basic Int
values. Today, let's
see how refinements allow us specify and verify structural invariants
about recursive data types like lists. In particular, we will
learn about at a new mechanism called a measure
use measures to describe the length of a list, and
use the resulting refinement types to obtain compile-time assurances
that canonical list manipulating operations like head
, tail
, foldl1
and (incomplete) pattern matches will not blow up at run-time.
26: module ListLengths where 27: 28: import Prelude hiding (length, map, filter, head, tail, foldl1) 29: import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Prelude (liquidError) 30: import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M 31: import Data.Hashable
Measuring the Length of a List¶
To begin, we need some instrument by which to measure the length of a list. To this end, let's introduce a new mechanism called measures which define auxiliary (or so-called ghost) properties of data values. These properties are useful for specification and verification, but don't actually exist at run-time. That is, measures will appear in specifications but never inside code.
Let's reuse this mechanism, this time, providing a definition for the measure
48: measure len :: forall a. [a] -> GHC.Types.Int 49: len ([]) = 0 50: len (y:ys) = 1 + (len ys)
The description of len
above should be quite easy to follow. Underneath the
covers, LiquidHaskell transforms the above description into refined versions
of the types for the constructors (:)
and []
Something like
57: data [a] where 58: [] :: forall a. {v: [a] | (len v) = 0 } 59: (:) :: forall a. y:a -> ys:[a] -> {v: [a] | (len v) = 1 + (len ys) }
To appreciate this, note that we can now check that
65: {-@ xs :: {v:[String] | (len v) = 1 } @-} 66: {VV : [[(GHC.Types.Char)]] | (len([VV]) = 1)}xs = {VV : [(GHC.Types.Char)] | (len([VV]) >= 0)}"dog" y:{VV : [(GHC.Types.Char)] | (len([VV]) >= 0)} -> ys:[{VV : [(GHC.Types.Char)] | (len([VV]) >= 0)}] -> {VV : [{VV : [(GHC.Types.Char)] | (len([VV]) >= 0)}] | (len([VV]) = (1 + len([ys])))}: {VV : [{VV : [{VV : (GHC.Types.Char) | false}] | false}] | (len([VV]) = 0), (len([VV]) >= 0)}[] 67: 68: {-@ ys :: {v:[String] | (len v) = 2 } @-} 69: {VV : [[(GHC.Types.Char)]] | (len([VV]) = 2)}ys = {VV : [{VV : [(GHC.Types.Char)] | (len([VV]) >= 0)}] | (len([VV]) >= 0)}[{VV : [(GHC.Types.Char)] | (len([VV]) >= 0)}"cat", {VV : [(GHC.Types.Char)] | (len([VV]) >= 0)}"dog"] 70: 71: {-@ zs :: {v:[String] | (len v) = 3 } @-} 72: {VV : [[(GHC.Types.Char)]] | (len([VV]) = 3)}zs = {VV : [(GHC.Types.Char)] | (len([VV]) >= 0)}"hippo" y:[(GHC.Types.Char)] -> ys:[[(GHC.Types.Char)]] -> {VV : [[(GHC.Types.Char)]] | (len([VV]) = (1 + len([ys])))}: {VV : [[(GHC.Types.Char)]] | (VV = ys), (len([VV]) = 2), (len([VV]) >= 0)}ys
Dually, when we de-construct the lists, LiquidHaskell is able to relate the type of the outer list with its constituents. For example,
79: {-@ zs' :: {v:[String] | (len v) = 2 } @-} 80: {VV : [[(GHC.Types.Char)]] | (len([VV]) = 2)}zs' = case {VV : [[(GHC.Types.Char)]] | (VV = zs), (len([VV]) = 3), (len([VV]) >= 0)}zs of 81: h : t -> {VV : [[(GHC.Types.Char)]] | (VV = t),(len([VV]) >= 0)}t
Here, from the use of the :
in the pattern, LiquidHaskell can determine
that (len zs) = 1 + (len t)
; by combining this fact with the nugget
that (len zs) = 3
LiquidHaskell concludes that t
, and hence, zs'
contains two elements.
Reasoning about Lengths¶
Let's flex our new vocabulary by uttering types that describe the behavior of the usual list functions.
First up: a version of the standard
function, slightly simplified for exposition.
99: {-@ length :: xs:[a] -> {v: Int | v = (len xs)} @-} 100: length :: [a] -> Int 101: xs:[a] -> {VV : (GHC.Types.Int) | (VV = len([xs]))}length [] = x:(GHC.Prim.Int#) -> {VV : (GHC.Types.Int) | (VV = (x : int))}0 102: length (x:xs) = {VV : (GHC.Types.Int) | (VV = (1 : int))}1 x:(GHC.Types.Int) -> y:(GHC.Types.Int) -> {VV : (GHC.Types.Int) | (VV = (x + y))}+ xs:[a] -> {VV : (GHC.Types.Int) | (VV = len([xs]))}length {VV : [a] | (VV = xs),(len([VV]) >= 0)}xs
Note: Recall that measure
values don't actually exist at run-time.
However, functions like length
are useful in that they allow us to
effectively pull or materialize the ghost values from the refinement
world into the actual code world (since the value returned by length
logically equal to the len
of the input list.)
Similarly, we can speak and have confirmed, the types for the usual list-manipulators like
115: {-@ map :: (a -> b) -> xs:[a] -> {v:[b] | (len v) = (len xs)} @-} 116: (a -> b) -> x1:[a] -> {VV : [b] | (len([VV]) = len([x1])),(len([VV]) >= 0)}map _ [] = {VV : [{VV : a | false}] | (len([VV]) = 0)}[] 117: map f (x:xs) = (a -> bf {VV : a | (VV = x)}x) y:a -> ys:[a] -> {VV : [a] | (len([VV]) = (1 + len([ys])))}: ((a -> b) -> x1:[a] -> {VV : [b] | (len([VV]) = len([x1])),(len([VV]) >= 0)}map a -> bf {VV : [a] | (VV = xs),(len([VV]) >= 0)}xs)
123: {-@ filter :: (a -> Bool) -> xs:[a] -> {v:[a] | (len v) <= (len xs)} @-} 124: (a -> (GHC.Types.Bool)) -> x1:[a] -> {VV : [a] | (len([VV]) >= 0),(len([VV]) <= len([x1]))}filter _ [] = {VV : [{VV : a | false}] | (len([VV]) = 0)}[] 125: filter f (x:xs) 126: | a -> (GHC.Types.Bool)f {VV : a | (VV = x)}x = {VV : a | (VV = x)}x y:a -> ys:[a] -> {VV : [a] | (len([VV]) = (1 + len([ys])))}: (a -> (GHC.Types.Bool)) -> x1:[a] -> {VV : [a] | (len([VV]) >= 0),(len([VV]) <= len([x1]))}filter a -> (GHC.Types.Bool)f {VV : [a] | (VV = xs),(len([VV]) >= 0)}xs 127: | otherwise = (a -> (GHC.Types.Bool)) -> x1:[a] -> {VV : [a] | (len([VV]) >= 0),(len([VV]) <= len([x1]))}filter a -> (GHC.Types.Bool)f {VV : [a] | (VV = xs),(len([VV]) >= 0)}xs
and, since doubtless you are wondering,
133: {-@ append :: xs:[a] -> ys:[a] -> {v:[a] | (len v) = (len xs) + (len ys)} @-} 134: x4:[a] -> x3:[a] -> {VV : [a] | (len([VV]) = (len([x4]) + len([x3]))), (len([VV]) = (len([x3]) + len([x4]))), (len([VV]) >= 0)}append [] [a]ys = {VV : [a] | (VV = ys),(len([VV]) >= 0)}ys 135: append (x:xs) ys = {VV : a | (VV = x)}x y:a -> ys:[a] -> {VV : [a] | (len([VV]) = (1 + len([ys])))}: x4:[a] -> x3:[a] -> {VV : [a] | (len([VV]) = (len([x4]) + len([x3]))), (len([VV]) = (len([x3]) + len([x4]))), (len([VV]) >= 0)}append {VV : [a] | (VV = xs),(len([VV]) >= 0)}xs {VV : [a] | (VV = ys),(len([VV]) >= 0)}ys
We will return to the above at some later date. Right now, let's look at some interesting programs that LiquidHaskell can prove safe, by reasoning about the size of various lists.
Example 1: Safely Catching A List by Its Tail (or Head)¶
Now, let's see how we can use these new incantations to banish, forever,
certain irritating kinds of errors.
Recall how we always summon functions like head
and tail
with a degree of trepidation, unsure whether the arguments are empty, which will awaken certain beasts
150: Prelude> head [] 151: *** Exception: Prelude.head: empty list
LiquidHaskell allows us to use these functions with confidence and surety! First off, let's define a predicate alias that describes non-empty lists:
159: {-@ predicate NonNull X = ((len X) > 0) @-}
Now, we can type the potentially dangerous head
165: {-@ head :: {v:[a] | (NonNull v)} -> a @-} 166: {VV : [a] | (len([VV]) > 0)} -> ahead (x:_) = {VV : a | (VV = x)}x 167: head [] = {VV : [(GHC.Types.Char)] | false} -> {VV : a | false}liquidError {VV : [(GHC.Types.Char)] | (len([VV]) >= 0)}"Fear not! 'twill ne'er come to pass"
As with the case of divide-by-zero, LiquidHaskell deduces that
the second equation is dead code since the precondition (input) type
states that the length of the input is strictly positive, which precludes
the case where the parameter is []
Similarly, we can write
178: {-@ tail :: {v:[a] | (NonNull v)} -> [a] @-} 179: {VV : [a] | (len([VV]) > 0)} -> [a]tail (_:xs) = {VV : [a] | (VV = xs),(len([VV]) >= 0)}xs 180: tail [] = {VV : [(GHC.Types.Char)] | false} -> {VV : [{VV : a | false}] | false}liquidError {VV : [(GHC.Types.Char)] | (len([VV]) >= 0)}"Relaxeth! this too shall ne'er be"
Once again, LiquidHaskell will use the precondition to verify that the
is never invoked.
Let's use the above to write a function that eliminates stuttering, that
is which converts "ssstringssss liiiiiike thisss"
to "strings like this"
190: {-@ eliminateStutter :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] @-} 191: (GHC.Classes.Eq a) -> [a] -> [a]eliminateStutter [a]xs = ({VV : [a] | (len([VV]) > 0)} -> a) -> xs:[{VV : [a] | (len([VV]) > 0)}] -> {VV : [a] | (len([VV]) = len([xs]))}map {VV : [a] | (len([VV]) > 0)} -> ahead ({VV : [{VV : [a] | (len([VV]) > 0)}] | ((len([xs]) > 0) => (len([VV]) > 0)), (len([VV]) >= 0)} -> {VV : [a] | (len([VV]) >= 0)}) -> {VV : [{VV : [a] | (len([VV]) > 0)}] | ((len([xs]) > 0) => (len([VV]) > 0)), (len([VV]) >= 0)} -> {VV : [a] | (len([VV]) >= 0)}$ x1:{VV : [a] | (len([VV]) >= 0)} -> {VV : [{VV : [a] | (len([VV]) > 0)}] | ((len([x1]) > 0) => (len([VV]) > 0)), (len([VV]) >= 0)}groupEq {VV : [a] | (VV = xs),(len([VV]) >= 0)}xs
The heavy lifting is done by groupEq
197: x1:{VV : [a] | (len([VV]) >= 0)} -> {VV : [{VV : [a] | (len([VV]) > 0)}] | ((len([x1]) > 0) => (len([VV]) > 0)), (len([VV]) >= 0)}groupEq [] = {VV : [{VV : [{VV : a | false}] | false}] | (len([VV]) = 0)}[] 198: groupEq (x:xs) = ({VV : a | (VV = x)}xy:a -> ys:[a] -> {VV : [a] | (len([VV]) = (1 + len([ys])))}:{VV : [a] | (VV = ys), (VV = ys), (len([VV]) = len([ys])), (len([VV]) >= 0), (len([VV]) <= len([ys]))}ys) y:{VV : [a] | (len([VV]) > 0)} -> ys:[{VV : [a] | (len([VV]) > 0)}] -> {VV : [{VV : [a] | (len([VV]) > 0)}] | (len([VV]) = (1 + len([ys])))}: x1:{VV : [a] | (len([VV]) >= 0)} -> {VV : [{VV : [a] | (len([VV]) > 0)}] | ((len([x1]) > 0) => (len([VV]) > 0)), (len([VV]) >= 0)}groupEq {VV : [a] | (VV = zs), (VV = zs), (len([VV]) = len([zs])), (len([VV]) >= 0), (len([VV]) <= len([zs]))}zs 199: where ({VV : [a] | (VV = ys), (len([VV]) = len([ys])), (len([VV]) >= 0), (len([VV]) <= len([ys]))}ys,{VV : [a] | (VV = zs), (len([VV]) = len([zs])), (len([VV]) >= 0), (len([VV]) <= len([zs]))}zs) = (a -> (GHC.Types.Bool)) -> [a] -> ([a] , [a])span ({VV : a | (VV = x)}x x:a -> y:a -> {VV : (GHC.Types.Bool) | ((? Prop([VV])) <=> (x = y))}==) {VV : [a] | (VV = xs),(len([VV]) >= 0)}xs
which gathers consecutive equal elements in the list into a single list.
By using the fact that each element in the output returned by
is in fact of the form x:ys
, LiquidHaskell infers that
returns a list of non-empty lists.
(Hover over the groupEq
identifier in the code above to see this.)
Next, by automatically instantiating the type parameter for the map
in eliminateStutter
to (len v) > 0
LiquidHaskell deduces head
is only called on non-empty lists, thereby verifying the safety of
. (Hover your mouse over map
above to see the
instantiated type for it!)
Example 2: Risers¶
The above examples of head
and tail
are simple, but non-empty lists pop
up in many places, and it is rather convenient to have the type system
track non-emptiness without having to make up special types. Let's look at a
more interesting example, popularized by Neil Mitchell
which is a key step in an efficient sorting procedure, which we may return
to in the future when we discuss sorting algorithms.
224: risers :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [[a]] 225: (GHC.Classes.Ord a) -> zs:[a] -> {VV : [[a]] | ((len([zs]) > 0) => (len([VV]) > 0))}risers [] = {VV : [{VV : [{VV : a | false}] | false}] | (len([VV]) = 0)}[] 226: risers [x] = {VV : [{VV : [{VV : a | false}] | false}] | (len([VV]) = 0), (len([VV]) >= 0)}[{VV : [{VV : a | (VV = x)}] | (len([VV]) >= 0)}[{VV : a | (VV = x)}x]] 227: risers (x:y:etc) = {VV : [{VV : a | false}] | (len([VV]) = 0),(len([VV]) >= 0)}if {VV : a | (VV = x)}x x:a -> y:a -> {VV : (GHC.Types.Bool) | ((? Prop([VV])) <=> (x <= y))}<= {VV : a | (VV = y)}y then ({VV : a | (VV = x)}xy:a -> ys:[a] -> {VV : [a] | (len([VV]) = (1 + len([ys])))}:{VV : [a] | (VV = s), (VV = s), (len([VV]) = len([s])), (len([VV]) >= 0), (len([VV]) <= len([s]))}s)y:[a] -> ys:[[a]] -> {VV : [[a]] | (len([VV]) = (1 + len([ys])))}:{VV : [[a]] | (VV = ss), (VV = ss), (len([VV]) = len([ss])), (len([VV]) >= 0), (len([VV]) <= len([ss]))}ss else {VV : [{VV : a | (VV = x),(VV > y)}] | (len([VV]) >= 0)}[{VV : a | (VV = x)}x]y:[a] -> ys:[[a]] -> {VV : [[a]] | (len([VV]) = (1 + len([ys])))}:({VV : [a] | (VV = s), (VV = s), (len([VV]) = len([s])), (len([VV]) >= 0), (len([VV]) <= len([s]))}sy:[a] -> ys:[[a]] -> {VV : [[a]] | (len([VV]) = (1 + len([ys])))}:{VV : [[a]] | (VV = ss), (VV = ss), (len([VV]) = len([ss])), (len([VV]) >= 0), (len([VV]) <= len([ss]))}ss) 228: where 229: ({VV : [a] | (VV = s), (len([VV]) = len([s])), (len([VV]) >= 0), (len([VV]) <= len([s]))}s, {VV : [[a]] | (VV = ss), (len([VV]) = len([ss])), (len([VV]) >= 0), (len([VV]) <= len([ss]))}ss) = {VV : [[a]] | (len([VV]) > 0)} -> ([a] , {VV : [[a]] | (len([VV]) >= 0)})safeSplit ({VV : [[a]] | ((len([etc]) > 0) => (len([VV]) > 0)), (len([VV]) > 0)} -> ([a] , {VV : [[a]] | (len([VV]) >= 0)})) -> {VV : [[a]] | ((len([etc]) > 0) => (len([VV]) > 0)), (len([VV]) > 0)} -> ([a] , {VV : [[a]] | (len([VV]) >= 0)})$ zs:[a] -> {VV : [[a]] | ((len([zs]) > 0) => (len([VV]) > 0))}risers ({VV : a | (VV = y)}yy:a -> ys:[a] -> {VV : [a] | (len([VV]) = (1 + len([ys])))}:{VV : [a] | (VV = etc),(len([VV]) >= 0)}etc)
The bit that should cause some worry is safeSplit
simply returns the head
and tail
of its input, if they
exist, and otherwise, crashes and burns
237: {VV : [a] | (len([VV]) > 0)} -> (a , {VV : [a] | (len([VV]) >= 0)})safeSplit (x:xs) = x1:a -> b -> (a , b)({VV : a | (VV = x)}x, {VV : [a] | (VV = xs),(len([VV]) >= 0)}xs) 238: safeSplit _ = {VV : [(GHC.Types.Char)] | false} -> {VV : ({VV : a | false} , {VV : [{VV : a | false}] | false}) | false}liquidError {VV : [(GHC.Types.Char)] | (len([VV]) >= 0)}"don't worry, be happy"
How can we verify that safeSplit
will not crash ?
The matter is complicated by the fact that since risers
does sometimes return an empty list, we cannot blithely
specify that its output type has a NonNull
Once again, logic rides to our rescue!
The crucial property upon which the safety of risers
is that when the input list is non-empty, the output list
returned by risers is also non-empty. It is quite easy to clue
LiquidHaskell in on this, namely through a type specification:
255: {-@ risers :: (Ord a) 256: => zs:[a] 257: -> {v: [[a]] | ((NonNull zs) => (NonNull v)) } @-}
Note how we relate the output's non-emptiness to the input's
non-emptiness,through the (dependent) refinement type. With this
specification in place, LiquidHaskell is pleased to verify risers
(i.e. the call to safeSplit
Example 3: MapReduce¶
Here's a longer example that illustrates this: a toy map-reduce implementation.
First, let's write a function keyMap
that expands a list of inputs into a
list of key-value pairs:
274: keyMap :: (a -> [(k, v)]) -> [a] -> [(k, v)] 275: (a -> {VV : [(b , c)] | (len([VV]) >= 0)}) -> [a] -> [(b , c)]keyMap a -> {VV : [(b , c)] | (len([VV]) >= 0)}f [a]xs = (a -> [(b , c)]) -> [a] -> [(b , c)]concatMap a -> {VV : [(b , c)] | (len([VV]) >= 0)}f {VV : [a] | (VV = xs),(len([VV]) >= 0)}xs
Next, let's write a function group
that gathers the key-value pairs into a
from keys to the lists of values with that same key.
282: (GHC.Classes.Eq a) -> (Data.Hashable.Class.Hashable a) -> [(a , b)] -> (Data.HashMap.Base.HashMap a {VV : [b] | (len([VV]) > 0)})group [(a , b)]kvs = ((a , b) -> (Data.HashMap.Base.HashMap a {VV : [b] | (len([VV]) > 0)}) -> (Data.HashMap.Base.HashMap a {VV : [b] | (len([VV]) > 0)})) -> (Data.HashMap.Base.HashMap a {VV : [b] | (len([VV]) > 0)}) -> [(a , b)] -> (Data.HashMap.Base.HashMap a {VV : [b] | (len([VV]) > 0)})foldr ((a , b) -> (Data.HashMap.Base.HashMap a {VV : [b] | (len([VV]) > 0)}) -> (Data.HashMap.Base.HashMap a {VV : [b] | (len([VV]) > 0)})\(k, v) (Data.HashMap.Base.HashMap a {VV : [b] | (len([VV]) > 0)})m -> a -> b -> (Data.HashMap.Base.HashMap a {VV : [b] | (len([VV]) > 0)}) -> (Data.HashMap.Base.HashMap a {VV : [b] | (len([VV]) > 0)})inserts {VV : a | (VV = k)}k {VV : a | (VV = v)}v {VV : (Data.HashMap.Base.HashMap a {VV : [b] | (len([VV]) > 0)}) | (VV = m)}m) (Data.HashMap.Base.HashMap {VV : a | false} {VV : [{VV : b | false}] | false})M.empty {VV : [(a , b)] | (VV = kvs),(len([VV]) >= 0)}kvs
The function inserts
simply adds the new value v
to the list of
previously known values lookupDefault [] k m
for the key k
289: (GHC.Classes.Eq a) -> (Data.Hashable.Class.Hashable a) -> a -> b -> (Data.HashMap.Base.HashMap a {VV : [b] | (len([VV]) > 0)}) -> (Data.HashMap.Base.HashMap a {VV : [b] | (len([VV]) > 0)})inserts ak av (Data.HashMap.Base.HashMap a {VV : [b] | (len([VV]) > 0)})m = a -> {VV : [b] | (len([VV]) > 0)} -> (Data.HashMap.Base.HashMap a {VV : [b] | (len([VV]) > 0)}) -> (Data.HashMap.Base.HashMap a {VV : [b] | (len([VV]) > 0)})M.insert {VV : a | (VV = k)}k ({VV : a | (VV = v)}v y:a -> ys:[a] -> {VV : [a] | (len([VV]) = (1 + len([ys])))}: {VV : [a] | (VV = vs),(len([VV]) >= 0)}vs) {VV : (Data.HashMap.Base.HashMap a {VV : [b] | (len([VV]) > 0)}) | (VV = m)}m 290: where {VV : [a] | (len([VV]) >= 0)}vs = {VV : [a] | (len([VV]) >= 0)} -> b -> (Data.HashMap.Base.HashMap b {VV : [a] | (len([VV]) >= 0)}) -> {VV : [a] | (len([VV]) >= 0)}M.lookupDefault {VV : [{VV : a | false}] | (len([VV]) = 0),(len([VV]) >= 0)}[] {VV : a | (VV = k)}k {VV : (Data.HashMap.Base.HashMap a {VV : [b] | (len([VV]) > 0)}) | (VV = m)}m
Finally, a function that reduces the list of values for a given key in the table to a single value:
297: reduce :: (v -> v -> v) -> M.HashMap k [v] -> M.HashMap k v 298: (x2:a -> x3:a -> {VV : a | (VV > x2),(VV > x3)}) -> (Data.HashMap.Base.HashMap b {VV : [a] | (len([VV]) > 0)}) -> (Data.HashMap.Base.HashMap b a)reduce x1:a -> x2:a -> {VV : a | (VV > x1),(VV > x2)}op = ({VV : [a] | (len([VV]) > 0)} -> a) -> (Data.HashMap.Base.HashMap b {VV : [a] | (len([VV]) > 0)}) -> (Data.HashMap.Base.HashMap b a) ((a -> a -> a) -> {VV : [a] | (len([VV]) > 0)} -> afoldl1 x1:a -> x2:a -> {VV : a | (VV > x1),(VV > x2)}op)
where foldl1
is a left-fold over non-empty lists
304: {-@ foldl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> {v:[a] | (NonNull v)} -> a @-} 305: (a -> a -> a) -> {VV : [a] | (len([VV]) > 0)} -> afoldl1 a -> a -> af (x:xs) = (a -> a -> a) -> a -> [a] -> afoldl a -> a -> af {VV : a | (VV = x)}x {VV : [a] | (VV = xs),(len([VV]) >= 0)}xs 306: foldl1 _ [] = {VV : [(GHC.Types.Char)] | false} -> {VV : a | false}liquidError {VV : [(GHC.Types.Char)] | (len([VV]) >= 0)}"will. never. happen."
We can put the whole thing together to write a (very) simple Map-Reduce library
312: mapReduce :: (Eq k, Hashable k) 313: => (a -> [(k, v)]) -- ^ key-mapper 314: -> (v -> v -> v) -- ^ reduction operator 315: -> [a] -- ^ inputs 316: -> [(k, v)] -- ^ output key-values 317: 318: (GHC.Classes.Eq a) -> (Data.Hashable.Class.Hashable a) -> (b -> {VV : [(a , c)] | (len([VV]) >= 0)}) -> (x7:c -> x8:c -> {VV : c | (VV > x7),(VV > x8)}) -> [b] -> [(a , c)]mapReduce a -> {VV : [(b , c)] | (len([VV]) >= 0)}f x1:a -> x2:a -> {VV : a | (VV > x1),(VV > x2)}op = (Data.HashMap.Base.HashMap a b) -> [(a , b)]M.toList 319: ((Data.HashMap.Base.HashMap a b) -> [(a , b)]) -> ([c] -> (Data.HashMap.Base.HashMap a b)) -> [c] -> [(a , b)]. (x2:a -> x3:a -> {VV : a | (VV > x2),(VV > x3)}) -> (Data.HashMap.Base.HashMap b {VV : [a] | (len([VV]) > 0)}) -> (Data.HashMap.Base.HashMap b a)reduce x1:a -> x2:a -> {VV : a | (VV > x1),(VV > x2)}op 320: ((Data.HashMap.Base.HashMap a {VV : [b] | (len([VV]) > 0)}) -> (Data.HashMap.Base.HashMap a b)) -> ([c] -> (Data.HashMap.Base.HashMap a {VV : [b] | (len([VV]) > 0)})) -> [c] -> (Data.HashMap.Base.HashMap a b). [(a , b)] -> (Data.HashMap.Base.HashMap a {VV : [b] | (len([VV]) > 0)})group 321: ([(a , b)] -> (Data.HashMap.Base.HashMap a {VV : [b] | (len([VV]) > 0)})) -> ([c] -> [(a , b)]) -> [c] -> (Data.HashMap.Base.HashMap a {VV : [b] | (len([VV]) > 0)}). (a -> {VV : [(b , c)] | (len([VV]) >= 0)}) -> [a] -> [(b , c)]keyMap a -> {VV : [(b , c)] | (len([VV]) >= 0)}f
Now, if we want to compute the frequency of Char
in a given list of words, we can write:
327: {-@ charFrequency :: [String] -> [(Char, Int)] @-} 328: charFrequency :: [String] -> [(Char, Int)] 329: [[(GHC.Types.Char)]] -> [((GHC.Types.Char) , (GHC.Types.Int))]charFrequency = ([(GHC.Types.Char)] -> {VV : [((GHC.Types.Char) , {VV : (GHC.Types.Int) | (VV > 0)})] | (len([VV]) >= 0)}) -> (x8:{VV : (GHC.Types.Int) | (VV > 0)} -> x9:{VV : (GHC.Types.Int) | (VV > 0)} -> {VV : (GHC.Types.Int) | (VV > 0),(VV > x8),(VV > x9)}) -> [[(GHC.Types.Char)]] -> [((GHC.Types.Char) , {VV : (GHC.Types.Int) | (VV > 0)})]mapReduce x1:[(GHC.Types.Char)] -> {VV : [((GHC.Types.Char) , {VV : (GHC.Types.Int) | (VV = 1), (VV = len([xs])), (VV > 0)})] | (len([VV]) = len([x1])), (len([VV]) >= 0)}wordChars x:(GHC.Types.Int) -> y:(GHC.Types.Int) -> {VV : (GHC.Types.Int) | (VV = (x + y))}(+) 330: where x1:[a] -> {VV : [(a , {VV : (GHC.Types.Int) | (VV = 1), (VV = len([xs])), (VV > 0)})] | (len([VV]) = len([x1])),(len([VV]) >= 0)}wordChars = (a -> (a , {VV : (GHC.Types.Int) | (VV = 1), (VV = len([xs])), (VV > 0)})) -> xs:[a] -> {VV : [(a , {VV : (GHC.Types.Int) | (VV = 1), (VV = len([xs])), (VV > 0)})] | (len([VV]) = len([xs]))}map (c:a -> ({VV : a | (VV = c)} , {VV : (GHC.Types.Int) | (VV = 1), (VV = len([xs])), (VV > 0)})\ac -> x1:a -> b -> (a , b)({VV : a | (VV = c)}c, {VV : (GHC.Types.Int) | (VV = (1 : int))}1))
You can take it out for a spin like so:
336: [((GHC.Types.Char) , (GHC.Types.Int))]f0 = [[(GHC.Types.Char)]] -> [((GHC.Types.Char) , (GHC.Types.Int))]charFrequency [ {VV : [(GHC.Types.Char)] | (len([VV]) >= 0)}"the", {VV : [(GHC.Types.Char)] | (len([VV]) >= 0)}"quick" , {VV : [(GHC.Types.Char)] | (len([VV]) >= 0)}"brown" 337: , {VV : [(GHC.Types.Char)] | (len([VV]) >= 0)}"fox", {VV : [(GHC.Types.Char)] | (len([VV]) >= 0)}"jumped", {VV : [(GHC.Types.Char)] | (len([VV]) >= 0)}"over" 338: , {VV : [(GHC.Types.Char)] | (len([VV]) >= 0)}"the", {VV : [(GHC.Types.Char)] | (len([VV]) >= 0)}"lazy" , {VV : [(GHC.Types.Char)] | (len([VV]) >= 0)}"cow" ]
Look Ma! No Types: LiquidHaskell will gobble the whole thing up, and
verify that none of the undesirable liquidError
calls are triggered. By
the way, notice that we didn't write down any types for mapReduce
friends. The main invariant, from which safety follows is that the Map
returned by the group
function binds each key to a non-empty list of
values. LiquidHaskell deduces this invariant by inferring suitable types
for group
, inserts
, foldl1
and reduce
, thereby relieving us of that
tedium. In short, by riding on the broad and high shoulders of SMT and
abstract interpretation, LiquidHaskell makes a little typing go a long way.
Well folks, thats all for now. I trust this article gave you a sense of
How we can describe certain structural properties of data types, such as the length of a list,
How we might use refinements over these properties to describe key invariants and establish, at compile-time, the safety of operations that might blow up on unexpected values at run-time, and perhaps, most importantly,
How we can achieve the above, whilst just working with good old lists, without having to make up new types (which have the unfortunate effect of cluttering programs with their attendant new functions) in order to enforce special invariants.