Case Study: Low Level Memory

"HeartBleed" in Haskell

Modern languages are built on top of C

Implementation errors could open up vulnerabilities

"HeartBleed" in Haskell (1/3)

A String Truncation Function

chop     :: String -> Int -> String
chop s n = s'
    b    = pack s         -- down to low-level
    b'   = unsafeTake n b -- grab n chars
    s'   = unpack b'      -- up to high-level

"HeartBleed" in Haskell (2/3)

Works if you use the valid prefix size

λ> let ex = "Ranjit Loves Burritos"

λ> heartBleed ex 10
"Ranjit Lov"

"HeartBleed" in Haskell (3/3)

Leaks overflow buffer if invalid prefix size!

λ> let ex = "Ranjit Loves Burritos"

λ> heartBleed ex 30
"Ranjit Loves Burritos\NUL\201\&1j\DC3\SOH\NUL"

Types Against Overflows

Strategy: Specify and Verify Types for

  1. Low-level Pointer API
  2. Lib-level ByteString API
  3. User-level Application API

Errors at each level are prevented by types at lower levels

1. Low-level Pointer API

Strategy: Specify and Verify Types for

  1. Low-level Pointer API
  2. Lib-level ByteString API
  3. User-level Application API

Errors at each level are prevented by types at lower levels

API: Types

Low-level Pointers

data Ptr a

Foreign Pointers

data ForeignPtr a

ForeignPtr wraps around Ptr; can be exported to/from C.

API: Operations (1/2)


peek     :: Ptr a -> IO a


poke     :: Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
plusPtr  :: Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b

API: Operations (2/2)


malloc  :: Int -> ForeignPtr a

Unwrap and Use

withForeignPtr :: ForeignPtr a     -- pointer
               -> (Ptr a -> IO b)  -- action
               -> IO b             -- result


Allocate a block and write 4 zeros into it

zero4 = do fp <- malloc 4 withForeignPtr fp $ \p -> do poke (p `plusPtr` 0) zero poke (p `plusPtr` 1) zero poke (p `plusPtr` 2) zero poke (p `plusPtr` 3) zero return fp where zero = 0 :: Word8


How to prevent overflows e.g. writing 5 or 50 zeros into 4-byte block ?

Step 1

Refine pointers with allocated size

Step 2

Track sizes in pointer operations

Refined API: Types

1. Refine pointers with allocated size

measure plen  :: Ptr a -> Int
measure fplen :: ForeignPtr a -> Int

Abbreviations for pointers of size N

type PtrN a N        = {v:_ | plen v  = N}
type ForeignPtrN a N = {v:_ | fplen v = N}

Refined API: Ops (1/3)


malloc  :: n:Nat -> ForeignPtrN a n

Unwrap and Use

withForeignPtr :: fp:ForeignPtr a              -- pointer
               -> (PtrN a (fplen fp) -> IO b)  -- action
               -> IO b                         -- use

Refined API: Ops (2/3)


Refine type to track remaining buffer size

plusPtr :: p:Ptr a
        -> o:{Nat | o <= plen p}   -- offset in bounds
        -> PtrN b {plen b - o}     -- remainder

Refined API: Ops (3/3)

Read & Write require non-empty remaining buffer


peek :: {v:Ptr a | 0 < plen v} -> IO a


poke :: {v:Ptr a | 0 < plen v} -> a -> IO ()

Example: Overflow Prevented

How to prevent overflows e.g. writing 5 or 50 zeros?

exBad = do fp <- malloc 4 withForeignPtr fp $ \p -> do poke (p `plusPtr` 0) zero poke (p `plusPtr` 1) zero poke (p `plusPtr` 2) zero poke (p `plusPtr` 5) zero return fp where zero = 0 :: Word8

2. ByteString API

Strategy: Specify and Verify Types for

  1. Low-level Pointer API
  2. Lib-level ByteString API
  3. User-level Application API

Errors at each level are prevented by types at lower levels

ByteString Type

data ByteString = PS { bPtr :: ForeignPtr Word8 , bOff :: !Int , bLen :: !Int }

Refined ByteString Type

{-@ data ByteString = PS { bPtr :: ForeignPtr Word8 , bOff :: {v:Nat| v <= fplen bPtr} , bLen :: {v:Nat| v + bOff <= fplen bPtr} } @-}

Refined ByteString Type

A Useful Abbreviation

type ByteStringN N = {v:ByteString| bLen v = N}

Illegal Bytestrings

bad1 = do fp <- malloc 3 return (PS fp 0 10) bad2 = do fp <- malloc 3 return (PS fp 2 2)

Claimed length exceeds allocation ... rejected at compile time

API create : Allocate and Fill a ByteString


{-@ create :: n:Nat -> (PtrN Word8 n -> IO ()) -> ByteStringN n @-}


create n fill = unsafePerformIO $ do fp <- malloc n withForeignPtr fp fill return (PS fp 0 n)

API pack : Convert List of Char into ByteString


{-@ pack :: s:String -> ByteStringN (len s) @-}


pack str = create n $ \p -> go p xs where n = length str xs = map c2w str go p (x:xs) = poke p x >> go (plusPtr p 1) xs go _ [] = return ()

API unsafeTake : Extract prefix of size n


{-@ unsafeTake :: n:Nat -> b:{ByteString | n <= bLen b} -> ByteStringN n @-}


unsafeTake n (PS x s l) = PS x s n

API unpack : Convert ByteString into List of Char


unpack :: b:ByteString -> StringN (bLen b)


unpack b = you . get . the . idea -- see source

3. Application API

Strategy: Specify and Verify Types for

  1. Low-level Pointer API
  2. Lib-level ByteString API
  3. User-level Application API

Errors at each level are prevented by types at lower levels

Revisit "HeartBleed"

Lets revisit our potentially "bleeding" chop

{-@ chop :: s:String -> n:{Nat | n <= len s} -> StringN n @-} chop s n = s' where b = pack s -- down to low-level b' = unsafeTake n b -- grab n chars s' = unpack b' -- up to high-level

"HeartBleed" no more

demo = [ex6, ex30] where ex = "St. Louis" -- has size 9 ex6 = chop ex 6 -- ok ex30 = chop ex 30 -- out of bounds

"Bleeding" chop ex 30 rejected by compiler

Recap: Types vs Overflows

Strategy: Specify and Verify Types for

  1. Low-level Pointer API
  2. Lib-level ByteString API
  3. User-level Application API

Errors at each level are prevented by types at lower levels