Okasaki's Lazy Queues

Posted by Ranjit Jhala Jan 28, 2015

Tags: measures

The “Hello World!” example for fancy type systems is probably the sized vector or list append function (“The output has size equal to the sum of the inputs!”). One the one hand, it is perfect: simple enough to explain without pages of code, yet complex enough to show off whats cool about dependency. On the other hand, like the sweater I’m sporting right now, it’s a bit well-worn and worse, was never wholly convincing (“Why do I care what the size of the output list is anyway?”)

Recently, I came across a nice example that is almost as simple, but is also well motivated: Okasaki’s beautiful Lazy Amortized Queues. This structure leans heavily on an invariant to provide fast insertion and deletion. Let’s see how to enforce that invariant with LiquidHaskell.


A queue is a structure into which we can insert and remove data such that the order in which the data is removed is the same as the order in which it was inserted.

A Queue

To implement a queue efficiently one needs to have rapid access to both the “head” as well as the “tail” because we remove elements from former and insert elements into the latter. This is quite straightforward with explicit pointers and mutation – one uses an old school linked list and maintains pointers to the head and the tail. But can we implement the structure efficiently without having stoop so low?

Queues = Pair of Lists

Almost two decades ago, Chris Okasaki came up with a very cunning way to implement queues using a pair of lists – let’s call them front and back which represent the corresponding parts of the Queue.

  • To insert elements, we just cons them onto the back list,
  • To remove elements, we just un-cons them from the front list.
A Queue is Two Lists

The catch is that we need to shunt elements from the back to the front every so often, e.g. when

  1. a remove call is triggered, and
  2. the front list is empty,

We can transfer the elements from the back to the front.

Transferring Elements from Back to Front

Okasaki observed that every element is only moved once from the front to the back; hence, the time for insert and lookup could be O(1) when amortized over all the operations. Awesome, right?!

Almost. Some set of unlucky remove calls (which occur when the front is empty) are stuck paying the bill. They have a rather high latency up to O(n) where n is the total number of operations. Oops.

Queue = Balanced Lazy Lists

This is where Okasaki’s beautiful insights kick in. Okasaki observed that all we need to do is to enforce a simple invariant:

Invariant: Size of front >= Size of back

Now, if the lists are lazy i.e. only constructed as the head value is demanded, then a single remove needs only a tiny O(log n) in the worst case, and so no single remove is stuck paying the bill.

Let’s see how to represent these Queues and ensure the crucial invariant(s) with LiquidHaskell. What we need are the following ingredients:

  1. A type for Lists, and a way to track their size,

  2. A type for Queues which encodes the balance invariant – ``front longer than back”,

  3. A way to implement the insert, remove and transfer operations.

Sized Lists

The first part is super easy. Let’s define a type:

127: data SList a = SL { forall a.
x1:(LazyQueue.SList a)
-> {v : GHC.Types.Int | v == size x1 && v >= 0}size :: Int, forall a. (LazyQueue.SList a) -> [a]elems :: [a]}

We have a special field that saves the size because otherwise, we have a linear time computation that wrecks Okasaki’s careful analysis. (Actually, he presents a variant which does not require saving the size as well, but that’s for another day.)

But how can we be sure that size is indeed the real size of elems?

Let’s write a function to measure the real size:

140: {-@ measure realSize @-}
141: realSize      :: [a] -> Int
142: forall a. x1:[a] -> {VV : GHC.Types.Int | VV == realSize x1}realSize []     = x1:GHC.Prim.Int# -> {v : GHC.Types.Int | v == (x1  :  int)}0
143: realSize (_:xs) = {v : GHC.Types.Int | v == (1  :  int)}1 x1:GHC.Types.Int
-> x2:GHC.Types.Int -> {v : GHC.Types.Int | v == x1 + x2}+ forall a. x1:[a] -> {VV : GHC.Types.Int | VV == realSize x1}realSize {v : [a] | v == xs && len v >= 0}xs

and now, we can simply specify a refined type for SList that ensures that the real size is saved in the size field:

150: {-@ data SList a = SL {
151:        size  :: Nat 
152:      , elems :: {v:[a] | realSize v = size}
153:      }
154:   @-}

As a sanity check, consider this:

160: {VV : (LazyQueue.SList {VV : [GHC.Types.Char] | len VV >= 0}) | size VV > 0}okList  = x1:{v : GHC.Types.Int | v >= 0}
-> x2:{v : [{v : [GHC.Types.Char] | len v >= 0}] | realSize v == x1}
-> {v : (LazyQueue.SList {v : [GHC.Types.Char] | len v >= 0}) | elems v == x2 && size v == x1}SL {v : GHC.Types.Int | v == (1  :  int)}1 {v : [{v : [GHC.Types.Char] | len v >= 0}]<\_ VV -> false> | null v <=> false && len v >= 0}[{v : [GHC.Types.Char] | len v >= 0}"cat"]    -- accepted
162: forall a. (LazyQueue.SList a)badList = x1:{v : GHC.Types.Int | v >= 0}
-> x2:{v : [a] | realSize v == x1}
-> {v : (LazyQueue.SList a) | elems v == x2 && size v == x1}SL {v : GHC.Types.Int | v == (1  :  int)}1 {v : [a] | null v <=> true && realSize v == 0 && len v == 0 && len v >= 0}[]         -- rejected

It is helpful to define a few aliases for SLists of a size N and non-empty SLists:

169: -- | SList of size N
171: {-@ type SListN a N = {v:SList a | size v = N} @-}
173: -- | Non-Empty SLists:
175: {-@ type NEList a = {v:SList a | size v > 0} @-}

Finally, we can define a basic API for SList.

To Construct lists, we use nil and cons:

184: {-@ nil          :: SListN a 0  @-}
185: forall a. {v : (LazyQueue.SList a) | size v == 0}nil              = x1:{v : GHC.Types.Int | v >= 0}
-> x2:{v : [a] | realSize v == x1}
-> {v : (LazyQueue.SList a) | elems v == x2 && size v == x1}SL {v : GHC.Types.Int | v == (0  :  int)}0 {v : [a] | null v <=> true && realSize v == 0 && len v == 0 && len v >= 0}[]
187: {-@ cons         :: a -> xs:SList a -> SListN a {size xs + 1}   @-}
188: forall a.
-> x2:(LazyQueue.SList a)
-> {v : (LazyQueue.SList a) | size v == size x2 + 1}cons ax (SL n xs) = x1:{v : GHC.Types.Int | v >= 0}
-> x2:{v : [a] | realSize v == x1}
-> {v : (LazyQueue.SList a) | elems v == x2 && size v == x1}SL ({v : GHC.Types.Int | v == n && v >= 0}nx1:GHC.Types.Int
-> x2:GHC.Types.Int -> {v : GHC.Types.Int | v == x1 + x2}+{v : GHC.Types.Int | v == (1  :  int)}1) ({VV : a | VV == x}xx1:a
-> x2:[a]
-> {v : [a] | null v <=> false && xListSelector v == x1 && realSize v == 1 + realSize x2 && xsListSelector v == x2 && len v == 1 + len x2}:{v : [a] | v == xs && realSize v == n && len v >= 0}xs)

To Destruct lists, we have hd and tl.

194: {-@ tl           :: xs:NEList a -> SListN a {size xs - 1}  @-}
195: forall a.
x1:{v : (LazyQueue.SList a) | size v > 0}
-> {v : (LazyQueue.SList a) | size v == size x1 - 1}tl (SL n (_:xs)) = x1:{v : GHC.Types.Int | v >= 0}
-> x2:{v : [a] | realSize v == x1}
-> {v : (LazyQueue.SList a) | elems v == x2 && size v == x1}SL ({v : GHC.Types.Int | v == n && v >= 0}nx1:GHC.Types.Int
-> x2:GHC.Types.Int -> {v : GHC.Types.Int | v == x1 - x2}-{v : GHC.Types.Int | v == (1  :  int)}1) {v : [a] | v == xs && len v >= 0}xs
197: {-@ hd           :: xs:NEList a -> a @-}
198: forall a. {v : (LazyQueue.SList a) | size v > 0} -> ahd (SL _ (x:_))  = {VV : a | VV == x}x 

Don’t worry, they are perfectly safe as LiquidHaskell will make sure we only call these operators on non-empty SLists. For example,

205: {v : [GHC.Types.Char] | len v >= 0}okHd  = {v : (LazyQueue.SList {v : [GHC.Types.Char] | len v >= 0}) | size v > 0}
-> {v : [GHC.Types.Char] | len v >= 0}hd {v : (LazyQueue.SList {v : [GHC.Types.Char] | len v >= 0}) | v == LazyQueue.okList && size v > 0}okList       -- accepted
207: {VV : [GHC.Types.Char] | len VV >= 0}badHd = {v : (LazyQueue.SList {v : [GHC.Types.Char] | len v >= 0}) | size v > 0}
-> {v : [GHC.Types.Char] | len v >= 0}hd (x1:{v : (LazyQueue.SList {v : [GHC.Types.Char] | len v >= 0}) | size v > 0}
-> {v : (LazyQueue.SList {v : [GHC.Types.Char] | len v >= 0}) | size v == size x1 - 1}tl {v : (LazyQueue.SList {v : [GHC.Types.Char] | len v >= 0}) | v == LazyQueue.okList && size v > 0}okList)  -- rejected

Queue Type

Now, it is quite straightforward to define the Queue type, as a pair of lists, front and back, such that the latter is always smaller than the former:

218: {-@ data Queue a = Q {
219:        front :: SList a 
220:      , back  :: SListLE a (size front)
221:      }
222:   @-}

Where the alias SListLE a L corresponds to lists with less than N elements:

228: {-@ type SListLE a N = {v:SList a | size v <= N} @-}

As a quick check, notice that we cannot represent illegal Queues:

234: {VV : (LazyQueue.Queue [GHC.Types.Char]) | 0 < qsize VV}okQ  = x1:(LazyQueue.SList [GHC.Types.Char])
-> x2:{v : (LazyQueue.SList [GHC.Types.Char]) | size v <= size x1}
-> {v : (LazyQueue.Queue [GHC.Types.Char]) | qsize v == size x1 + size x2 && front v == x1 && back v == x2}Q {v : (LazyQueue.SList {v : [GHC.Types.Char] | len v >= 0}) | v == LazyQueue.okList && size v > 0}okList {v : (LazyQueue.SList [GHC.Types.Char]) | size v == 0}nil  -- accepted, |front| > |back| 
236: {VV : (LazyQueue.Queue [GHC.Types.Char]) | 0 < qsize VV}badQ = x1:(LazyQueue.SList [GHC.Types.Char])
-> x2:{v : (LazyQueue.SList [GHC.Types.Char]) | size v <= size x1}
-> {v : (LazyQueue.Queue [GHC.Types.Char]) | qsize v == size x1 + size x2 && front v == x1 && back v == x2}Q {v : (LazyQueue.SList [GHC.Types.Char]) | size v == 0}nil {v : (LazyQueue.SList {v : [GHC.Types.Char] | len v >= 0}) | v == LazyQueue.okList && size v > 0}okList  -- rejected, |front| < |back|

To Measure Queue Size let us define a function

242: {-@ measure qsize @-}
243: qsize         :: Queue a -> Int
244: forall a.
x1:(LazyQueue.Queue a) -> {VV : GHC.Types.Int | VV == qsize x1}qsize (Q l r) = x1:(LazyQueue.SList a)
-> {v : GHC.Types.Int | v == size x1 && v >= 0}size {v : (LazyQueue.SList a) | v == l}l x1:GHC.Types.Int
-> x2:GHC.Types.Int -> {v : GHC.Types.Int | v == x1 + x2}+ x1:(LazyQueue.SList a)
-> {v : GHC.Types.Int | v == size x1 && v >= 0}size {v : (LazyQueue.SList a) | v == r && size v <= size l}r

This will prove helpful to define Queues of a given size N and non-empty Queues (from which values can be safely removed.)

251: {-@ type QueueN a N = {v:Queue a | N = qsize v} @-}
252: {-@ type NEQueue a  = {v:Queue a | 0 < qsize v} @-}

Queue Operations

Almost there! Now all that remains is to define the Queue API. The code below is more or less identical to Okasaki’s (I prefer front and back to his left and right.)

The Empty Queue is simply one where both front and back are nil.

267: {-@ emp :: QueueN a 0 @-}
268: forall a. {v : (LazyQueue.Queue a) | 0 == qsize v}emp = x1:(LazyQueue.SList a)
-> x2:{v : (LazyQueue.SList a) | size v <= size x1}
-> {v : (LazyQueue.Queue a) | qsize v == size x1 + size x2 && front v == x1 && back v == x2}Q {v : (LazyQueue.SList a) | size v == 0}nil {v : (LazyQueue.SList a) | size v == 0}nil

To Insert an element we just cons it to the back list, and call the smart constructor makeq to ensure that the balance invariant holds:

275: {-@ insert       :: a -> q:Queue a -> QueueN a {qsize q + 1}   @-}
276: forall a.
-> x2:(LazyQueue.Queue a)
-> {v : (LazyQueue.Queue a) | qsize x2 + 1 == qsize v}insert ae (Q f b) = x1:(LazyQueue.SList a)
-> x2:{v : (LazyQueue.SList a) | size v <= size x1 + 1}
-> {v : (LazyQueue.Queue a) | size x1 + size v == qsize v}makeq {v : (LazyQueue.SList a) | v == f}f ({VV : a | VV == e}e a
-> x2:(LazyQueue.SList a)
-> {v : (LazyQueue.SList a) | size v == size v + 1}`cons` {v : (LazyQueue.SList a) | v == b && size v <= size f}b)

To Remove an element we pop it off the front by using hd and tl. Notice that the remove is only called on non-empty Queues, which together with the key balance invariant, ensures that the calls to hd and tl are safe.

284: {-@ remove       :: q:NEQueue a -> (a, QueueN a {qsize q - 1}) @-}
285: forall a.
x1:{v : (LazyQueue.Queue a) | 0 < qsize v}
-> (a, {v : (LazyQueue.Queue a) | qsize x1 - 1 == qsize v})remove (Q f b)   = forall a b <p2 :: a b -> Prop>.
-> x2:{VV : b<p2 x1> | true}
-> {v : (a, b)<\x6 VV -> p2 x6> | fst v == x1 && x_Tuple22 v == x2 && snd v == x2 && x_Tuple21 v == x1}({v : (LazyQueue.SList a) | size v > 0} -> ahd {v : (LazyQueue.SList a) | v == f}f, x1:(LazyQueue.SList a)
-> x2:{v : (LazyQueue.SList a) | size v <= size x1 + 1}
-> {v : (LazyQueue.Queue a) | size x1 + size v == qsize v}makeq (x1:{v : (LazyQueue.SList a) | size v > 0}
-> {v : (LazyQueue.SList a) | size v == size x1 - 1}tl {v : (LazyQueue.SList a) | v == f}f) {v : (LazyQueue.SList a) | v == b && size v <= size f}b)

Aside: Why didn’t we (or Okasaki) use a pattern match here?

To Ensure the Invariant we use the smart constructor makeq, which is where the heavy lifting, such as it is, happens. The constructor takes two lists, the front f and back b and if they are balanced, directly returns the Queue, and otherwise transfers the elements from b over using rotate.

297: {-@ makeq :: f:SList a
298:           -> b:SListLE a {size f + 1 }
299:           -> QueueN a {size f + size b}
300:   @-}
301: forall a.
x1:(LazyQueue.SList a)
-> x2:{v : (LazyQueue.SList a) | size v <= size x1 + 1}
-> {v : (LazyQueue.Queue a) | size x1 + size x2 == qsize v}makeq (LazyQueue.SList a)f {v : (LazyQueue.SList a) | size v <= size f + 1}b 
302:   | x1:(LazyQueue.SList a)
-> {v : GHC.Types.Int | v == size x1 && v >= 0}size {v : (LazyQueue.SList a) | v == b && size v <= size f + 1}b x1:GHC.Types.Int
-> x2:GHC.Types.Int -> {v : GHC.Types.Bool | Prop v <=> x1 <= v}<= x1:(LazyQueue.SList a)
-> {v : GHC.Types.Int | v == size x1 && v >= 0}size {v : (LazyQueue.SList a) | v == f}f = x1:(LazyQueue.SList a)
-> x2:{v : (LazyQueue.SList a) | size v <= size x1}
-> {v : (LazyQueue.Queue a) | qsize v == size x1 + size x2 && front v == x1 && back v == x2}Q {v : (LazyQueue.SList a) | v == f}f {v : (LazyQueue.SList a) | v == b && size v <= size f + 1}b
303:   | otherwise        = x1:(LazyQueue.SList a)
-> x2:{v : (LazyQueue.SList a) | size v <= size x1}
-> {v : (LazyQueue.Queue a) | qsize v == size x1 + size x2 && front v == x1 && back v == x2}Q (forall a.
x1:(LazyQueue.SList a)
-> x2:{v : (LazyQueue.SList a) | size v == 1 + size x1}
-> x3:(LazyQueue.SList a)
-> {v : (LazyQueue.SList a) | size v == size x1 + size x2 + size x3}rot {v : (LazyQueue.SList a) | v == f}f {v : (LazyQueue.SList a) | v == b && size v <= size f + 1}b {v : (LazyQueue.SList a) | size v == 0}nil) {v : (LazyQueue.SList a) | size v == 0}nil

The Rotate function is only called when the back is one larger than the front (we never let things drift beyond that). It is arranged so that it the hd is built up fast, before the entire computation finishes; which, combined with laziness provides the efficient worst-case guarantee.

313: {-@ rot :: f:SList a
314:         -> b:SListN _ {1 + size f}
315:         -> a:SList _
316:         -> SListN _ {size f + size b + size a}
317:   @-}
318: forall a.
x1:(LazyQueue.SList a)
-> x2:{v : (LazyQueue.SList a) | size v == 1 + size x1}
-> x3:(LazyQueue.SList a)
-> {v : (LazyQueue.SList a) | size v == size x1 + size x2 + size x3}rot (LazyQueue.SList a)f {v : (LazyQueue.SList a) | size v == 1 + size f}b (LazyQueue.SList a)a
319:   | x1:(LazyQueue.SList a)
-> {v : GHC.Types.Int | v == size x1 && v >= 0}size {v : (LazyQueue.SList a) | v == f}f x1:GHC.Types.Int
-> x2:GHC.Types.Int -> {v : GHC.Types.Bool | Prop v <=> x1 == v}== {v : GHC.Types.Int | v == (0  :  int)}0 = {v : (LazyQueue.SList a) | size v > 0} -> ahd {v : (LazyQueue.SList a) | v == b && size v == 1 + size f}b a
-> x2:(LazyQueue.SList a)
-> {v : (LazyQueue.SList a) | size v == size v + 1}`cons` {v : (LazyQueue.SList a) | v == a}a
320:   | otherwise   = {v : (LazyQueue.SList a) | size v > 0} -> ahd {v : (LazyQueue.SList a) | v == f}f a
-> x2:(LazyQueue.SList a)
-> {v : (LazyQueue.SList a) | size v == size v + 1}`cons` forall a.
x1:(LazyQueue.SList a)
-> x2:{v : (LazyQueue.SList a) | size v == 1 + size x1}
-> x3:(LazyQueue.SList a)
-> {v : (LazyQueue.SList a) | size v == size x1 + size x2 + size x3}rot (x1:{v : (LazyQueue.SList a) | size v > 0}
-> {v : (LazyQueue.SList a) | size v == size x1 - 1}tl {v : (LazyQueue.SList a) | v == f}f) (x1:{v : (LazyQueue.SList a) | size v > 0}
-> {v : (LazyQueue.SList a) | size v == size x1 - 1}tl {v : (LazyQueue.SList a) | v == b && size v == 1 + size f}b) ({v : (LazyQueue.SList a) | size v > 0} -> ahd {v : (LazyQueue.SList a) | v == b && size v == 1 + size f}b a
-> x2:(LazyQueue.SList a)
-> {v : (LazyQueue.SList a) | size v == size v + 1}`cons` {v : (LazyQueue.SList a) | v == a}a)


Well there you have it; Okasaki’s beautiful lazy Queue, with the invariants easily expressed and checked with LiquidHaskell. I find this example particularly interesting because the refinements express invariants that are critical for efficiency, and furthermore the code introspects on the size in order to guarantee the invariants. Plus, it’s just marginally more complicated than append and so, (I hope!) was easy to follow.