Data Representation

Next, lets add support for

  • Multiple datatypes (number and boolean)
  • Calling external functions

In the process of doing so, we will learn about

  • Tagged Representations
  • Calling Conventions


Our plan will be to (start with boa) and add the following features:

  1. Representing boolean values (and numbers)

  2. Arithmetic Operations

  3. Arithmetic Comparisons

  4. Dynamic Checking (to ensure operators are well behaved)

1. Representation

Motivation: Why booleans?

In the year 2018, its a bit silly to use

  • 0 for false and
  • non-zero for true.

But really, boolean is a stepping stone to other data

  • Pointers,
  • Tuples,
  • Structures,
  • Closures.

The Key Issue

How to distinguish numbers from booleans?

  • Need to store some extra information to mark values as number or bool.

Option 1: Use Two Words

First word is 0 means bool, is 1 means number, 2 means pointer etc.

Value Representation (HEX)
3 [0x000000000][0x00000003]
5 [0x000000000][0x00000005]
12 [0x000000000][0x0000000c]
42 [0x000000000][0x0000002a]
false [0x000000001][0x00000000]
true [0x000000001][0x00000001]


  • Can have lots of different types, but


  • Takes up double memory,
  • Operators +, - do two memory reads [eax], [eax - 4].

In short, rather wasteful. Don’t need so many types.

Option 2: Use a Tag Bit

Can distinguish two types with a single bit.

Least Significant Bit (LSB) is

  • 0 for number
  • 1 for boolean

(Hmm, why not 0 for boolean and 1 for number?)

Tag Bit: Numbers

So number is the binary representation shifted left by 1 bit

  • Lowest bit is always 0
  • Remaining bits are number’s binary representation

For example,

Value Representation (Binary)
3 [0b00000000000000000000000000000110]
5 [0b00000000000000000000000000001010]
12 [0b00000000000000000000000000011000]
42 [0b00000000000000000000000001010100]

Or in HEX,

Value Representation (HEX)
3 [0x00000006]
5 [0x0000000a]
12 [0x00000018]
42 [0x00000054]

Tag Bit: Booleans

Most Significant Bit (MSB) is

  • 1 for true
  • 0 for false

For example

Value Representation (Binary)
true [0b10000000000000000000000000000001]
false [0b00000000000000000000000000000001]

Or, in HEX

Value Representation (HEX)
true [0x80000001]
false [0x00000001]


Lets extend our source types with boolean constants

Correspondingly, we extend our assembly Arg (values) with

So, our examples become:

Value Representation (HEX)
Boolean False HexConst 0x00000001
Boolean True HexConst 0x80000001
Number 3 HexConst 0x00000006
Number 5 HexConst 0x0000000a
Number 12 HexConst 0x0000000c
Number 42 HexConst 0x0000002a


Next, lets update our implementation

Compiler Pipeline
Compiler Pipeline

The parse, anf and tag stages are straightforward.

Lets focus on the compile function.

A TypeClass for Representing Constants

Its convenient to introduce a type class describing Haskell types that can be represented as x86 arguments:

We can now define instances for Int and Bool as:

Immediate Values to Arguments

Boolean b is an immediate value (like Number n).

Lets extend immArg that tranforms an immediate expression to an x86 argument.

Compiling Constants

Finally, we can easily update the compile function as:

(The other cases remain unchanged.)

Lets run some tests to double check.


What is the result of:

  • A Error
  • B 0
  • C 15
  • D 30

Output Representation

Say what?! Ah. Need to update our run-time printer in main.c

and now we get:

Can you think of some other tests we should write?


What is the result of

  • A Error
  • B 0
  • C 15
  • D 30


What is the result of

  • A Error
  • B 0
  • C 12
  • D 49

2. Arithmetic Operations

Constants like 2, 29, false are only useful if we can perform computations with them.

First lets see what happens with our arithmetic operators.

QUIZ: Addition

What will be the result of:

  1. Does not compile
  2. Run-time error (e.g. segmentation fault)
  3. 16
  4. 32
  5. 0

Shifted Representation and Addition

We are representing a number n by shifting it left by 1

n has the machine representation 2*n

Thus, our source values have the following _representations:

Source Value Representation (DEC)
3 6
5 10
3 + 5 = 8 6 + 10 = 16
n1 + n2 2*n1 + 2*n2 = 2*(n1 + n2)

That is, addition (and similarly, subtraction) works as is with the shifted representation.

QUIZ: Multiplication

What will be the result (using our code so far) of:

  1. Does not compile
  2. Run-time error (e.g. segmentation fault)
  3. 24
  4. 48
  5. 96

Hmm. What happened?

Shifted Representation and Multiplication

We are representing a number n by shifting it left by 1

n has the machine representation 2*n

Thus, our source values have the following _representations:

Source Value Representation (DEC)
3 6
5 10
3 * 5 = 15 6 * 10 = 60
n1 * n2 2*n1 * 2*n2 = 4*(n1 + n2)

Thus, multiplication ends up accumulating the factor of 2. * Result is two times the desired one.


Thus, our strategy for compiling arithmetic operations is simply:

  • Addition and Subtraction “just work” as before, as shifting “cancels out”,
  • Multiplication result must be “adjusted” by dividing-by-two
    • i.e. right shifting by 1


The source language does not change at all, for the Asm lets add a “right shift” instruction (shr):


We need only modify compileEnv to account for the “fixing up”

where the helper compilePrim2 works for Prim2 (binary) operators and immediate arguments:


Lets take it out for a drive.


Well, its easy to figure out if you look at the generated assembly:

The trouble is that the negative result of the multiplication is saved in twos-complement format, and when we shift that right by one bit, we get the wierd value (does not “divide by two”)

Decimal Hexadecimal Binary
-8 0xFFFFFFF8 0b11111111111111111111111111111000
2147483644 0x7FFFFFFC 0b01111111111111111111111111111100

Solution: Signed/Arithmetic Shift

The instruction sar shift arithmetic right does what we want, namely:

  • preserves the sign-bit when shifting
  • i.e. doesn’t introduce a 0 by default

Transforms Revisited

Lets add sar to our target:

and use it to fix the post-multiplication adjustment

  • i.e. use ISar instead of IShr

After which all is well:

3. Arithmetic Comparisons

Next, lets try to implement comparisons:

Oops. Need to implement it first!

Many ways to do this:

  • branches jne, jl, jg or
  • bit-twiddling.

Comparisons via Bit-Twiddling

Key idea:

A negative number’s most significant bit is 1

To implement arg1 < arg2, compute arg1 - arg2 * When result is negative, MSB is 1, ensure eax set to 0x80000001 * When result is non-negative, MSB is 0, ensure eax set to 0x00000001

  1. Can extract msb by bitwise and with 0x80000000.
  2. Can set tag bit by bitwise or with 0x00000001

So compilation strategy is:

Comparisons: Implementation

Lets go and extend:

  1. The Instruction type
  1. The instrAsm converter
  1. The actual compilePrim2 function

Exercise: Comparisons via Bit-Twiddling

  • Can compute arg1 > arg2 by computing arg2 < arg1.
  • Can compute arg1 != arg2 by computing arg1 < arg2 || arg2 < arg1
  • Can compute arg1 = arg2 by computing ! (arg1 != arg2)

For the above, can you figure out how to implement:

  1. Boolean ! ?
  2. Boolean || ?
  3. Boolean && ?

You may find these instructions useful

4. Dynamic Checking

We’ve added support for Number and Boolean but we have no way to ensure that we don’t write gibberish programs like:


In fact, lets try to see what happens with our code on the above:


Checking Tags at Run-Time

Later, we will look into adding a static type system that will reject such meaningless programs at compile time. For now, lets see how to extend the compilation to abort execution when the wrong types of operands are found when the code is executing.

The following table lists the types of operands that should be allowed for each primitive operation.

Operation Op-1 Op-2
+ int int
- int int
* int int
< int int
> int int
&& bool bool
|| bool bool
! bool
if bool
= int or bool int or bool


Lets check that the data in eax is an int * Suffices to check that the LSB is 0 * If not, jump to special error_non_int label

For example, to check if arg is a Number

at error_non_number we can call into a C function:

  push eax                ; pass erroneous value
  push 0                  ; pass error code
  call error              ; call run-time "error" function

Finally, the error function is part of the run-time and looks like:

Strategy By Example

Lets implement the above in a simple file tests/output/int-check.s


What happened ?

Managing the Call Stack

To properly call into C functions (like error), we must play by the rules of the C calling convention

Stack Frames
Stack Frames
  1. The local variables of an (executing) function are saved in its stack frame.
  2. The start of the stack frame is saved in register ebp,
  3. The start of the next frame is saved in register esp.

Calling Convention

We must preserve the above invariant as follows:

In the Callee

At the start of the function

At the end of the function

In the Caller

To call a function target that takes N parameters:

NOTE: If you are compiling on MacOS, you must respect the 16-Byte Stack Alignment Invariant

Fixed Strategy By Example

Lets implement the above in a simple file tests/output/int-check.s


Aha, now the above works!

Q: What NEW thing does our compiler need to compute?

Hint: Why do we sub esp, 0 above?


Lets implement the above strategy.

To do so, we need a new data type for run-time types:

a new Label for the error

and thats it.


The compiler must generate code to:

  1. Perform dynamic type checks,
  2. Exit by calling error if a failure occurs,
  3. Manage the stack per the convention above.

1. Type Assertions

The key step in the implementation is to write a function

where typeTag is:

You can now splice assertType prior to doing the actual computations, e.g.

2. Errors

We must also add code at the TypeError TNumber and TypeError TBoolean labels.

4. Stack Management

Local Variables

First, note that the local variables live at offsets from ebp, so lets update

Maintaining esp and ebp

We need to make sure that all our code respects the C calling convention..

To do so, just wrap the generated code, with instructions to save and restore ebp and esp

Q: But how shall we compute countVars?

Here’s a shady kludge:

Obviously a sleazy hack (why?), but lets use it to test everything else; then we can fix it.

5. Computing the Size of the Stack

Ok, now that everything (else) seems to work, lets work out:

Finding the exact answer is undecidable in general (CSE 105), i.e. is impossible to compute.

However, it is easy to find an overapproximate heuristic, i.e.

  • a value guaranteed to be larger than the than the max size,

  • and which is reasonable in practice.

As usual, lets see if we can work out a heuristic by example.


How many stack slots/vars are needed for the following program?

  1. 0
  2. 1
  3. 2


How many stack slots/vars are needed for the following program?

  1. 0
  2. 1
  3. 2
  4. 3
  5. 4


How many stack slots/vars are needed for the following program?

  1. 0
  2. 1
  3. 2
  4. 3
  5. 4


How many stack slots/vars are needed for the following program?

  1. 0
  2. 1
  3. 2
  4. 3
  5. 4


Let countVars e be:

  • The maximum number of let-binds in scope at any point inside e, i.e.

  • The maximum size of the Env when compiling e

Lets work it out on a case-by-case basis:

  • Immediate values like Number or Var
    • are compiled without pushing anything onto the Env
    • i.e. countVars = 0
  • Binary Operations like Prim2 o v1 v2 take immediate values,
    • are compiled without pushing anything onto the Env
    • i.e. countVars = 0
  • Branches like If v e1 e2 can go either way
    • can’t tell at compile-time
    • i.e. worst-case is larger of countVars e1 and countVars e2
  • Let-bindings like Let x e1 e2 require
    • evaluating e1 and
    • pushing the result onto the stack and then evaluating e2
    • i.e. larger of countVars e1 and 1 + countVars e2


We can implement the above a simple recursive function:

Naive Heuristic is Naive

The above method is quite simplistic. For example, consider the expression:

countVars would tell us that we need to allocate 3 stack spaces but clearly none of the variables are actually used.

Will revisit this problem later, when looking at optimizations.


We just saw how to add support for

  • Multiple datatypes (number and boolean)
  • Calling external functions

and in doing so, learned about

  • Tagged Representations
  • Calling Conventions

To get some practice, in your assignment, you will add:

  1. Dynamic Checks for Arithmetic Overflows (see the jo and jno operations)
  2. A Primitive print operation implemented by a function in the c run-time.

And next, we’ll see how to easily add user-defined functions.