Options and Pragmas¶
LiquidHaskell supports several configuration options, to alter the type checking.
You can pass options in different ways:
As a pragma, directly added to the source file: (recommended)
{-@ LIQUID "--opt1" @-}
As a plugin option:
ghc-options: -fplugin-opt=LiquidHaskell:--opt1 -fplugin-opt=LiquidHaskell:--opt2
In the environment variable
(e.g. in your.bashrc
):LIQUIDHASKELL_OPTS="--opt1 --opt2"
From the command line, if you use the legacy executable:
liquid --opt1 --opt2 ...
The options are descibed below (and by the legacy executable: liquid --help
Theorem Proving¶
Options: reflection
, ple
, ple-local
, extensionality
, ple-with-undecided-guards
, --dump-opaque-reflections
, --etabeta
, --dependantcase
Directives: automatic-instances
To enable theorem proving, e.g. as described here use the option
{-@ LIQUID "--reflection" @-}
To additionally turn on proof by logical evaluation (PLE) use the option
{-@ LIQUID "--ple" @-}
You can see many examples of proofs by logical evaluation in tests/benchmarks/popl18/ple/pos
This flag is global and will symbolically evaluate all the terms that appear in the specifications.
As an alternative, the --ple-local
flag has local behavior. See
{-@ LIQUID "--ple-local" @-}
will only evaluate terms appearing in the specifications
of the function theorem
, if the function theorem
annotated for automatic instantiation using the following
liquid annotation
{-@ automatic-instances theorem @-}
Normally, PLE will only unfold invocations only if the arguments are known with enough precision to enter some of the equations of the function. For instance, in
{-@ reflect boolToInt @-}
boolToInt :: Bool -> Int
boolToInt False = 0
boolToInt True = 1
{-@ nonNegativeInt :: b:_ -> { boolToInt b >= 0 } @-}
nonNegativeInt :: Bool -> ()
nonNegativeInt _ = ()
the equations boolToInt False = 0
and boolToInt True = 1
would only be
used if b
is known to be either True
or False
. Now, if nothing is
known about b
and we still would like to use the fact that
boolToInt b = if b then 1 else 0
we can instruct Liquid Haskell to do so and accept nonNegativeInt
{-@ LIQUID "--ple-with-undecided-guards" @-}
causes all invocations that haven't been unfolded
due to undecided guards to be unfolded at the end of the algorithm.
Alternatively, one could selectively unfold the invocations of some particular
function only with Language.Haskell.Liquid.ProofCombinators.pleUnfold
boolToInt b = pleUnfold (if b then 1 else 0)
Now, PLE will unfold boolToInt
as above every time b
is undecided. But won't
unfold any other invocations with undecided guards unless they also start with an
application of pleUnfold
To allow reasoning about function extensionality use the --extensionality
See test T1577.
{-@ LIQUID "--extensionality" @-}
Furthermore, you may also want to assume the reflection of some functions that you haven't defined, but need in your own reflected functions, or in the logic. For instance, let's say that you want to define the following function:
{-@ reflect keepDigits @-}
keepDigits :: [Char] -> [Char]
keepDigits = filter isDigit
Or that you want to prove a property of filter:
{-@ lemma :: {v:[Char] | v == []} @-}
lemma:: [Char]
lemma = filter isDigit []
Both will fail because GHC.List.filter
was not reflected in the first place, nor was isDigit
. To overcome the problem,
you can assume the reflection of both functions by defining a pretended function that should behave in the same way
as the actual function. Therein lies the assumption: if both functions don't actually behave in the same way, then you
may introduce falsity in your logic. Thus, you have to use it with caution, only when the function wasn't already reflected,
and when you actually know how it will behave. In the following snippet, myfilter
is the pretended function whose definition
is given in our module, and the actual function GHC.List.filter
and myfilter
and tied through
the {-@ assume reflect filter as myfilter @-}
annotation. This annotation must be read as: "reflect filter
, assuming it has the
same reflection as myfilter
-- Reflect filter
{-@ reflect myfilter @-}
{-@ myfilter :: (a -> Bool) -> xs:[a] -> {v:[a] | len xs >= len v} @-}
myfilter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
myfilter _pred [] = []
myfilter pred (x:xs)
| pred x = x : myfilter pred xs
| otherwise = myfilter pred xs
{-@ assume reflect filter as myfilter @-}
-- Reflect isDigit
{-@ reflect myIsDigit @-}
myIsDigit :: Char -> Bool
myIsDigit x = '0' <= x && x <= '9'
{-@ assume reflect isDigit as myIsDigit @-}
Higher order reasoning¶
To make PLE aware of eta-expansion and beta-reduction rules, you can use the
{-@ LIQUID "--etabeta" @-}
{-@ eta :: f:_ -> { f = \x:Int -> f x } @-}
eta :: (Int -> Int) -> Proof
eta _ = trivial
{-@ beta :: { (\x:Int -> x) (12) = 12 } @-}
beta :: Proof
beta = trivial
This also allows PLE to unfold partially applied reflected functions.
Note: The eta-expansion rule should be able to prove the same goals as
the --extensionality
flag, so enabling both flags together shouldn't
be necessary.
Additionally, you can make PLE aware of rewrites obtained from dependent pattern
matching on indexed inductive dependent types using the --dependantcase
{-@ LIQUID "--dependantcase" @-}
data Term where
{-@ MkId :: Prop (Term id) @-}
MkId :: Term
data TERM = Term (Int -> Int)
{-@ patternMatch :: x:_ -> f:_ -> Prop (Term f) -> { f x = x } @-}
patternMatch :: Int -> (Int -> Int) -> Term -> Proof
patternMatch _ _ MkId = trivial
From the pattern maching of MkId
, Liquid Haskell can infer the equality
Term f = Term id
. But this is not enough to allow PLE to unfold f
in the
goal f x = x
. The --dependantcase
flag unifies the arguments of data
constructors in equalities like Term f = Term id
, which produces the
equality f = id
. This equality induces a rewrite rule that PLE uses to
derive id x = x
from f x = x
, where id
can then be unfolded.
While both flags work independently, enabling --dependantcase
might need
to be complemented with the flag --etabeta
to complete the verification
of function equalities.
Opaque reflection¶
LH automatically introduces uninterpreted functions / measures for all symbols which appear in the expression to reflect, but which are not already defined in the refinement logic. However, if you want to see exactly which symbols will be opaque-reflected (that's the term for it), you use this pragma:
{-@ LIQUID "--dump-opaque-reflections" @-}
It will dump the list of opaque reflections to the output. For example, assuming that GHC.Internal.List.filter
and GHC.Internal.Real.even
are not reflected, we get the following output for the following snippet.
{-@ LIQUID "--reflection" @-}
{-@ LIQUID "--dump-opaque-reflections" @-}
module OpaqueRefl06 where
{-@ reflect keepEvens @-}
keepEvens :: [Int] -> [Int]
keepEvens = filter even
Opaque reflections:
- GHC.Internal.List.filter
- GHC.Internal.Real.even
If not reflecting keepEvens
, the other functions can still be opaquely-reflected with the opaque-reflect
{-@ LIQUID "--reflection" @-}
{-@ LIQUID "--dump-opaque-reflections" @-}
module OpaqueRefl06 where
{-@ opaque-reflect even @-}
{-@ opaque-reflect filter @-}
Note: you can also reflect functions away from their definition, using interface files. For instance, you may do:
{-@ reflect uncurry @-}
{-@ reflect otherFn @-}
otherFn :: (Int , Int) -> Int
otherFn = uncurry myAdd
{-@ reflect myAdd @-}
myAdd :: Int -> Int -> Int
myAdd a b = a + b + 1
Even though uncurry
is an external, imported symbol.
For this, LH will go and fetch the unfoldings of the function, which is essentially its content that is also used when the compiler does inlining. The unfoldings of these functions must be available, which is not always the case. Also note that even when they are available, not all functions can be reflected, for the same reasons as some of your own functions may not be reflected (presence of recursive definitions, for instance).
If the reflection of these happen to need the reflection of private variables inside those modules, you can also request their reflection
with a private-reflect
annotation with the fully-qualified name of the private variable to reflect, i.e. something like:
{-@ private-reflect MyMod.privFn @-}
Note: reflection of private variables only work if these variables occur in the definition of other variables that could already be reflected. You cannot reflect a private variable in general otherwise. Note 2: if these private variables are not manually reflected by you, they are, as usual, opaque-reflected automatically, as you can see by dumping the opaque reflections.
Fast Checking¶
Options: fast
, nopolyinfer
The option --fast
or --nopolyinfer
greatly recudes verification time, can also reduces precision of type checking.
It, per module, deactivates inference of refinements during
instantiation of polymorphic type variables.
It is suggested to use on theorem proving style when reflected
functions are trivially refined.
Incremental Checking¶
Options: diff
The LiquidHaskell executable supports incremental checking where each run only checks
the part of the program that has been modified since the previous run. Each run of liquid
saves the file
to a .bak
file and the subsequent run does a diff
to see what has changed w.r.t. the .bak
file only
generates constraints for the [CoreBind]
corresponding to the changed top-level binders and their
transitive dependencies.
The time savings are quite significant. For example:
$ time liquid --notermination -i . Data/ByteString.hs > log 2>&1
real 7m3.179s
user 4m18.628s
sys 0m21.549s
Now if you go and tweak the definition of spanEnd
on line 1192 and re-run:
$ time liquid --diff --notermination -i . Data/ByteString.hs > log 2>&1
real 0m11.584s
user 0m6.008s
sys 0m0.696s
The diff is only performed against code, i.e. if you only change
specifications, qualifiers, measures, etc. liquid -d
will not perform
any checks. In this case, you may specify individual definitions to verify:
$ liquid -b bar -b baz foo.hs
This will verify bar
and baz
, as well as any functions they use.
If you always want to run a given file with diff-checking, add the pragma:
{-@ LIQUID "--diff" @-}
Full Checking (DEFAULT)¶
Options: full
You can force LiquidHaskell to check the whole file (which is the DEFAULT) using the --full
This will override any other --diff
incantation elsewhere (e.g. inside the file). If you always want
to run a given file with full-checking, add the pragma:
{-@ LIQUID "--full" @-}
Specifying Different SMT Solvers¶
Options: smtsolver
By default, LiquidHaskell uses the SMTLIB2 interface for Z3.
To run a different solver (supporting SMTLIB2) do:
$ liquid --smtsolver=NAME foo.hs
Currently, LiquidHaskell additionally supports
To use these solvers, you must install the corresponding binaries
from the above web-pages into your PATH
Short Error Messages¶
Options: short-errors
By default, subtyping error messages will contain the inferred type, the
expected type -- which is not a super-type, hence the error -- and a
context containing relevant variables and their type to help you understand
the error. If you don't want the above and instead, want only the
source position of the error use --short-errors
Short (Unqualified) Module Names¶
Options: short-names
By default, the inferred types will have fully qualified module names.
To use unqualified names, much easier to read, use --short-names
Logical aliasing¶
Directives: define
You can force LiquidHaskell to treat each occurrence of a Haskell name (such as
a function or a data constructor) as a predefined logical expression with the
directive. This can be useful for treating Haskell system functions
as no-ops, or for linking operations on your datatypes directly to SMT theories.
As an example,
{-@ define foo x y = (Foo_t y) @-}
will replace every occurrence of a Haskell symbol foo
applied to two arguments
with a logical symbol Foo_t
applied to only the second argument, when processing
specifications. The symbol foo
can either be defined in the current module or
imported, and the defined alias is propagated to the dependencies.
See Language.Haskell.Liquid.Bag
and Language.Haskell.Liquid.ProofCombinators
for examples.
Disabling Checks on Functions¶
Directives: ignore
You can disable checking of a particular function (e.g. because it is unsafe,
or somehow not currently outside the scope of LH) by using the ignore
For example,
{-@ ignore foo @-}
will disable the checking of the code for the top-level binder foo
See tests/pos/Ignores.hs
for an example.
Totality Check¶
Options: no-totality
LiquidHaskell proves the absence of pattern match failures.
For example, the definition
fromJust :: Maybe a -> a
fromJust (Just a) = a
is not total and it will create an error message.
If we exclude Nothing
from its domain, for example using the following specification
{-@ fromJust :: {v:Maybe a | (isJust v)} -> a @-}
will be safe.
Use the no-totality
flag to disable totality checking.
Termination Check¶
Options: no-termination
By default a termination check is performed on all recursive functions, but you can disable the check
with the --no-termination
See the specifications section for how to write termination specifications.
Positivity Check¶
Options: no-positivity-check
By default a positivity check is performed on data definitions.
data Bad = Bad (Bad -> Bad) | Good Bad
-- A B C
-- A is in a negative position, B and C are OK
Negative declarations are rejected because they admit non-terminating functions.
If the positivity check is disabled, so that a similar declaration of Bad
is allowed,
it is possible to construct a term of the empty type, even without recursion.
For example see tests/neg/Positivity1.hs
and tests/neg/Positivity2.hs
data Evil a = Very (Evil a -> a)
{-@ type Bot = {v: () | false} @-}
{-@ bad :: Evil Bot -> Bot @-}
bad :: Evil () -> ()
bad (Very f) = f (Very f)
{-@ worse :: Bot @-}
worse :: ()
worse = bad (Very bad)
Note that all positive occurrences are permited, unlike Coq that only allows the strictly positive ones (see: https://vilhelms.github.io/posts/why-must-inductive-types-be-strictly-positive/)
Refined data constructors¶
Options: allow-unsafe-constructors
By default only safe data constructor refinements are allowed.
Allows the user to refine the return type of a data constructor with arbitrary refinements, also unsafe ones.
data F where
{-@ MkF :: { _:F | false } @-}
MkF :: F
{-@ bad :: { false } @-}
bad :: F
bad = () ? MkF
Total Haskell¶
Options: total-Haskell
LiquidHaskell provides a total Haskell flag that checks both totallity and termination of the program, overriding a potential no-termination flag.
Lazy Variables¶
A variable can be specified as LAZYVAR
{-@ LAZYVAR z @-}
With this annotation the definition of z
will be checked at the points where
it is used. For example, with the above annotation the following code is SAFE:
foo = if x > 0 then z else x
z = 42 `safeDiv` x
x = choose 0
By default, all the variables starting with fail
are marked as LAZY, to defer
failing checks at the point where these variables are used.
No measure fields¶
Options: no-measure-fields
When a data type is refined, Liquid Haskell automatically turns the data constructor fields into measures. For example,
{-@ data L a = N | C {hd :: a, tl :: L a} @-}
will automatically create two measures hd
and td
. To deactivate this automatic measure definition,
and speed up verification, you can use the --no-measure-fields
Prune Unsorted Predicates¶
Options: prune-unsorted
The --prune-unsorted
flag is needed when using measures over specialized instances of ADTs.
For example, consider a measure over lists of integers
sum :: [Int] -> Int
sum [] = 0
sum (x:xs) = 1 + sum xs
This measure will translate into strengthening the types of list constructors
[] :: {v:[Int] | sum v = 0 }
(:) :: x:Int -> xs:[Int] -> {v:[Int] | sum v = x + sum xs}
But what if our list is polymorphic [a]
and later instantiate to list of ints?
The workaround we have right now is to strengthen the polymorphic list with the
[] :: {v:[a] | sum v = 0 }
(:) :: x:a -> xs:[a] -> {v:[a] | sum v = x + sum xs}
But for non numeric a
s, refinements like x + sum xs
are ill-sorted!
We use the flag --prune-unsorted
to prune away unsorted expressions
(like x + sum xs
) inside refinements.
Case Expansion¶
Options: no-case-expand
By default LiquidHaskell expands all data constructors to the case statements. For example, given the definition
data F = A1 | A2 | .. | A10
LiquidHaskell will expand the code
case f of {A1 -> True; _ -> False}
case f of {A1 -> True; A2 -> False; ...; A10 -> False}
This expansion can lead to more precise code analysis
but it can get really expensive due to code explosion.
The --no-case-expand
flag prevents this expansion and keeps the user
provided cases for the case expression.
Higher order logic¶
Options: higherorder
The flag --higherorder
allows reasoning about higher order functions.
Restriction to Linear Arithmetic¶
Options: linear
When using z3
as the solver, LiquidHaskell allows for non-linear arithmetic:
division and multiplication on integers are interpreted by z3
. To treat division
and multiplication as uninterpreted functions use the --linear
Counter examples¶
Options: counter-examples
Status: experimental
When given the --counter-examples
flag, LiquidHaskell will attempt to produce
counter-examples for the type errors it discovers. For example, see
% liquid --counter-examples tests/neg/ListElem.hs
tests/neg/ListElem.hs:12:1-8: Error: Liquid Type Mismatch
12 | listElem _ [] = False
Inferred type
VV : {VV : Bool | VV == True}
VV = True
not a subtype of Required type
VV : {VV : Bool | Prop VV <=> Set_mem ?b (listElts ?a)}
In Context
?a : {?a : [a] | len ?a >= 0}
?a = [1]
?b : a
?b = 0
The --counter-examples
flag requires that each type in the context be
an instance of GHC.Generics.Generic
or Test.Targetable.Targetable
(provided as part of LiquidHaskell). LiquidHaskell cannot generate
counter-examples for polymorphic types, but will try (naively) to
instantiate type variables with Int
(as seen in the example above).
Options: typeclass
Status: experimental
The --typeclass
flag enables LiquidHaskell's support of
typeclasses. One limitation is that proofs cannot be written directly
within the instance definition unless the --aux-inline
flag is
turned on as well.
Generating HTML Output¶
The system produces HTML files with colorized source, and mouseover inferred type annotations, which are quite handy for debugging failed verification attempts.
Regular Haskell When you run:
liquid foo.hs
you get a filefoo.hs.html
with the annotations. The coloring is done usinghscolour
. -
Markdown + Literate Haskell You can also feed in literate haskell files where the comments are in Pandoc markdown. In this case, the tool will run
to generate the HTML from the comments. Of course, this requires that you havepandoc
installed as a binary on your system. If not,hscolour
is used to render the HTML.
It is also possible to generate slide shows from the above. See the slides directory for an example.
Loading specifications automatically¶
By default, Liquid Haskell will load the specifications from module
whenever it finds an import of module A.B.C
For instance,
import Data.Vector
import Data.Vector.Unboxed
would cause Liquid Haskell to try modules Data.Vector_LHAssumptions
and Data.Vector.Unboxed_LHAssumptions
. If the _LHAssumptions
is missing, vecrification proceeds without any extra specifications.
is looked in any package that is visible to GHC
when verifying a module. But the following flag can be used to stop
this automatic loading when the imported module belongs to the given
Options: --exclude-automatic-assumptions-for=PACKAGE
Liquid Haskell will not load _LHAssumptions
modules upon finding
an import of a module coming from package PACKAGE
. e.g.
would stop loading
modules for any imports coming from package