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A hundred pull requests for Liquid Haskell

A new release of Liquid Haskell is out after quite an active period of development with 99 pull requests in the liquidhaskell repository, and 29 pull requests in the liquid-fixpoint repository from about ten contributors. This post, originally posted in the Tweag blog, is to provide an overview of the changes that made it into the latest release.

There were contributions to the reflection and proof mechanisms; we got contributions to the integration with GHC; the support of cvc5 was improved when dealing with sets, bags, and maps; and there was a rather large overhaul of the name resolution mechanism.

Reflection improvements

Liquid Haskell is a tool to verify Haskell programs. We can write formal specifications inside special Haskell comments {-@ ... @-}, and the tool will check whether the program behaves as specified. For instance, the following specification of the filter function says that we expect all of the elements in the result to satisfy the given predicate.

{-@ filter :: p:(a -> Bool) -> xs:[a] -> {v:[a] | all p v } @-}

Liquid Haskell would then analyze the implementation of filter to verify that it does indeed yield elements that satisfy the predicate.

To verify such a specification, Liquid Haskell needs to attach a meaning to the names in the predicate all p v. It readily learns that p is a parameter of filter, and that v is the result. all, however, isn't bound by the specification's parameters, so it refers to whatever is in scope, which is the Haskell function from the Prelude.

all :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool

And Liquid Haskell has a mechanism to provide logic meaning to the implementation of a function like all, known as reflection. While it has always been convenient to reflect functions in modules analyzed by Liquid Haskell, it was not so easy when there was a mix of local and imported definitions from dependencies that are not analysed with Liquid Haskell. Last year, there was an internship at Tweag to address exactly this friction, which resulted in contributions to the latest release.

Reasoning and reflection of lambdas

The reflection mechanism also has other specific limitations at the moment. For instance, it doesn't allow reflecting recursive functions defined in let or where bindings. And until recently, it didn't allow reflecting functions that contained anonymous functions. For example,

takePositives = filter (\x -> x > 0)

In the latest release, we have several contributions that introduce support for reflecting lambdas and improve the story for reasoning with them. This feature is considered experimental at the moment, since we will still have usability and performance concerns that deserve further contributions, but one can already explore the experience that we could expect in the long run.

Integration with GHC

In 2020 Liquid Haskell became a compiler plugin for GHC. It was hooked into the end of the type checking phase firstly to ensure it only runs on well-typed programs, and secondly, to ensure the plugin runs when GHC is only asked to typecheck the module but not to generate code, which was helpful to IDEs.

For a few technical reasons, the plugin was re-parsing and re-typechecking the module instead of using the abstract syntax tree (AST) that GHC handed to it as the result of type checking. That is no longer the case in the latest release, where the AST after type checking is now used for all purposes. In addition, there were several improvements to how the ghc library is used.

cvc5 support

Liquid Haskell offloads part of its reasoning to a family of automated theorem provers known as SMT solvers. For most developments, Liquid Haskell has been used with the Z3 SMT solver, and this is what has been used most of the time in continuous integration pipelines.

In theory, any SMT solver can be used with Liquid Haskell, if it provides a standard interface known as SMT-LIB. In practice, however, experiments are done with theories that are not part of the standard. For instance, the reasoning capabilities for bags, sets, and maps used to require z3. But now the latest release implements support for cvc5 as well.

Name resolution overhaul

Name resolution determines, for each name in a program, what is the definition that it refers to. Liquid Haskell, in particular, is responsible for resolving names that appear in specifications. This task was problematic when the programs it was asked to verify spanned many modules.

There were multiple kinds of names, each with their own name resolution rules, and names were resolved in different environments when verifying a module and when importing it elsewhere, not always yielding the same results, which often produced confusing errors.

Name resolution, however, was done all over the code base, and any attempt to rationalize it would require a few months of effort. I started such an epic last September, and managed to conclude it in February. These changes made it into the latest release together with an awful lot of side quests to simplify the existing code.

The road ahead

There is no coordinated roadmap for Liquid Haskell. Much of the contributions that it receives depend on the opportunity enabled by academic research or the needs of particular use cases.

On my side, I'm trying to improve the adoption of Liquid Haskell. Much of the challenge is reducing the amount of common workarounds that the proficient Liquid Haskeller needs to employ today. For instance, supporting reflection of functions in local bindings would save the user the trouble of rewriting her programs to put the recursive functions in the top level. Repairing the support for type classes would allow functions to be verified even if they use type classes, which is a large subset of Haskell today. And without having defined a scope with precision yet, Liquid Haskell still needs to improve its user documentation, its error messages, and its tracing and logging.

The project is chugging along, though. It is making significant leaps in usability. The upgrade costs have been quantified for a few GHC releases, and no longer look like an unbounded risk. The amount of external contributions has increased last year, although we still have to see if it is a trend. And there is no shortage of interest from academia and industrial interns.

Thanks to the many contributors for their work and their help during code reviews. I look forward to learning what makes it into the coming Liquid Haskell releases!

Facundo Domínguez