CSE 130: Spring 2016

Iteration & Recursion (Redux)

Ranjit Jhala, UC San Diego

Recap: Scala Basics


Compiling and Running

Compiling and Running

To make an executable, put the functions in a file

e.g. lec-iterators.scala

object Freq { ... }

compile with

$ scalac lec-iterators.scala

and run with

$ scala Freq lec-iterators.markdown
$ scala Freq foo.txt

Compiling and Running

Or run in the REPL

scala> import Freq._
scala> val m = Freq("caterpillar")
scala> Freq.show(m, 1)
c : #
a : ##
e : #
i : #
r : ##
t : #
l : ##
p : #

Today: Iteration AND Recursion

Today: Iteration AND Recursion

Elegant way to systematically

  1. Generate Combinations
  1. Search Combinations
  1. Generate + Search Combinations

Warm-up: A Polymorphic Frequency Finder

Lets write a Polymorphic Frequency Finder

Lets write a polymorphic frequency finder.

def freq[A](xs: Iterable[A]): HashMap[A, Int] = {
  val freqMap = new HashMap[A, Int]
  for (x <- xs) {
    freqMap(x) = 1 + freqMap.getOrElse(x, 0)

Iterable[A] describes objects that can be iterated over...

Lets write a Polymorphic Frequency Finder

Can run it on Strings

scala> freq("caterillar")
res: scala.collection.mutable.HashMap[Char,Int]
  = Map(c -> 1, a -> 2, e -> 1, i -> 1, r -> 2, t -> 1, l -> 2)

or List

scala> freq(List(1,2,1,13,1,2,1,3,31,12,1))
res: scala.collection.mutable.HashMap[Int,Int]
     = Map(12 -> 1, 3 -> 1, 13 -> 1, 1 -> 5, 2 -> 2, 31 -> 1)

or ...

Today: Iteration AND Recursion

Elegant way to systematically

  1. Generate Combinations

  2. Search Combinations

  3. Generate & Search Combinations

QUIZ: Nested for-loops

Of course, you can nest for-loops too:

val res = for (xs <- Array("cat", "dog");
               x  <- xs)
          yield x

What is the type of res?

A. String

B. List[String]

C. Iterator[String]

D. List[Char]

E. Iterator[Char]

Nested for-loops

Of course, you can nest for-loops too:

val res = for (xs <- Iterator("cat", "dog", "mouse");
               x  <- xs)
          yield x

What is the type of res?

Type Of Output Collection

QUIZ: Nested for-loops

val res = for ( i <- List(1, 2)
              ; j <- Iterator("a", "b"))
          yield (i, j)

What is the value of res ?

A. Nothing (Type Error)

B. List(1, 2, "a", "b")

C. List(1, "a", 2, "b")

D. List((1, "a"), (2, "b"))

E. List((1,"a"), (1,"b"), (2,"a"), (2,"b"))

Nested for Loops

val res = for ( i <- List(1, 2)
              ; j <- List("a", "b"))
          yield (i, j)

Here is how it goes down:

PSA: Why choose Iterator vs. List

PSA: Why choose Iterator vs. List

We chose Iterator and not List for password crack


Not to make you write

words.toList.filter(...).toIterator     // yuck

PSA: Why choose Iterator vs. List

We chose Iterator and not List for password crack

Not to make you write

words.toList.filter(...).toIterator     // yuck

which is almost the same as

words.filter(...)                       // sweet!

PSA: Why choose Iterator vs. List

We chose Iterator and not List for password crack

Because Iterator lazily computes one element at a time

At each .next call

PSA: Why choose Iterator vs. List

We chose Iterator and not List for password crack

Because Iterator lazily computes one element at a time

At each .next call

So Iterator good for operating on big data streams

PSA: Why choose Iterator vs. List

Iterator is lazy, good for operating on big data streams

def allVowels(megaDictionary: Iterator[String]): Iterator[String] =
  for { w <- megaDictionary
      ; if hasAllVowels(w)  }
  yield w
def allVowels(megaDictionary: List[String]): List[String] =
  for (w <- megaDictionary
       if hasAllVowels(w))
  yield w

PSA: Why choose Iterator vs. List

We chose Iterator and not List for password crack

Iterator is lazy, good for operating on big data streams

def txReverse(megaDictionary: Iterator[String]): Iterator[String] =
  for (w <- megaDictionary
       c <- Iterator(w, reverse(w))
  yield c
def txReverse(megaDictionary: List[String]): List[String] =
  for (w <- megaDictionary
       c <- Iterator(w, reverse(w))
  yield c

Note: Only difference is in the type

PSA: Why choose Iterator vs. List

We chose Iterator and not List for password crack

Iterator is lazy, good for operating on big data streams

So why not always use Iterator ?

PSA: Bottom-line

For PA5

QUIZ: Combining Iteration & Recursion

def bitStrings(n:Int) : List[String] =
  if (n <= 0) {
  } else {
    for (c <- List("0", "1");
         s <- bitStrings(n-1))
    yield(c + s)

What does bitStrings(2) return?

A. Nothing (Type Error)

B. Nothing (Infinite Loop)

C. List()

D. List("0", "1")

E. List("00", "01", "10", "11")

Combining Iteration & Recursion

Consider the following function:

def bitStrings(n: Int) : List[String] =
  if (n <= 0) { List() } else {
   for (c <- List("0", "1");
        s <- bitStrings(n-1))
   yield(c + s)

Here is what happens (lets work backwards)

bitStrings(0) ==> List()

Combining Iteration & Recursion

Consider the following function:

def bitStrings(n: Int) : List[String] =
  if (n <= 0) { List() } else {
   for (c <- List("0", "1");
        s <- bitStrings(n-1))
   yield(c + s)

Here is what happens (lets work backwards)

bitStrings(1) ==> ?

Combining Iteration & Recursion

Consider the following function:

def bitStrings(n: Int) : List[String] =
  if (n <= 0) { List() } else {
   for (c <- List("0", "1");
        s <- bitStrings(n-1))
   yield(c + s)

Here is what happens (lets work backwards)

bitStrings(1) ==> List()

Recap: Nested Loops

Nested loops are like cartesian products

scala> for ( i <- List(1, 2)
           ; j <- List("a", "b"))
       yield (i, j)
res0: List[(Int, String)] = List((1,a), (1,b), (2,a), (2,b))

Result is empty if either the first sequence is empty

scala> for ( i <- List(1,2)
           ; j <- List())
       yield (i, j)
res1: List[(Int, String)] = List()

or the second sequence is empty

scala> for ( i <- List()
           ; j <- List("a", "b"))
       yield (i, j)
res2: List[(Nothing, String)] = List()

Combining Iteration & Recursion

def bitStrs(n: Int) : List[String] =
  if (n <= 0) { List() } else {
   for (c <- List("0", "1");
        s <- bitStrs(n-1))
   yield(c + s)

How can we fix this function so that:

bitStrs(1) ==> List("0","1")

bitStrs(2) ==> List("00","01","10","11")

bitStrs(3) ==> List("000","001","010","011","100","101","110","111")

etc. ?

Combining Iteration & Recursion

Base Case

def bitStrings(n: Int) : List[String] =
  if (n <= 0) { List("") } else {
   for (c <- List("0", "1");
        s <- bitStrings(n-1))
   yield(c + s)

QUIZ: What is the value of res ?

def foo(w: String) : List[String] =
  if (w == "")  { List("") } else
    for (c <- List("", w.substring(0, 1));
         s <- foo(w.substring(1)))
    yield(c + s)

val res = foo("go")

Hint "sunday".substring(0, 1) ==> "s" and "sunday".substring(1) ==> "unday"

A. Nothing (Infinite Loop)

B. List()

C. List("", "o", "g", "go")

D. List("")

E. List("o", "g", "go")

Combining Iteration & Recursion

def subStrings(w: String) : List[String] =
  if (w == "")  { List(w) } else
    for (c <- List("", w.substring(0, 1));
         s <- subStrings(w.substring(1)))
    yield(c + s)

Again, lets work backwards

subStrings("") ==> List("")

Combining Iteration & Recursion

def subStrings(w: String) : List[String] =
  if (w == "")  { List(w) } else
    for (c <- List("", w.substring(0, 1));
         s <- foo(w.substring(1)))
    yield(c + s)

Lets work backwards . subStrings("o") ==> ?

Combining Iteration & Recursion

def subStrings(w: String) : List[String] =
  if (w == "")  { List(w) } else
    for (c <- List("", w.substring(0, 1));
         s <- foo(w.substring(1)))
    yield(c + s)

Lets work backwards . subStrings("o") ==> List("", "o")

Combining Iteration & Recursion

def subStrings(w: String) : List[String] =
  if (w == "")  { List(w) } else
    for (c <- List("", w.substring(0, 1));
         s <- foo(w.substring(1)))
    yield(c + s)

Lets work backwards . subStrings("go") ==> ?

Combining Iteration & Recursion

def subStrings(w: String) : List[String] =
  if (w == "")  { List(w) } else
    for (c <- List("", w.substring(0, 1));
         s <- foo(w.substring(1)))
    yield(c + s)

Lets work backwards . subStrings("go") ==> List("", "o", "g", "go")

Combining Iteration & Recursion

Mega Hint for PA5

substrings is almost identical to transformCapitalize


Replace each character "c" by either "c" or ""


Replace each character "c" by either "c" or "C"

Today: Iteration AND Recursion

Elegant way to systematically

  1. Generate Combinations

  2. Search Combinations

  3. Generate & Search Combinations

QUIZ: Systematic Search/Query

val res = for (i <- 1 to 10;
               j <- 1 to 10;
               k <- 1 to 10
               if i*i + j*j == k*k)
          yield (i, j, k)

What is the value of res ?

A. Vector()

B. Vector((3,4,5), (6,8,10))

C. Vector((6,8,10), (3,4,5))

D. Vector((3,4,5), (4,3,5), (6,8,10), (8,6,10))

E. Vector((8,6,10), (6,8,10), (4,3,5), (3,4,5))

Systematic Search/Query

val res = for (i <- 1 to 10;
               j <- 1 to 10;
               k <- 1 to 10
               if i*i + j*j == k*k)
          yield (i, j, k)

Is equivalent to:

val res = (for (i <- 1 to 10;j <- 1 to 10; k <- 1 to 10)
           yield (i, j, k)
          ).filter { case (i, j, k) => i*i + j*j == k*k}

which is equivalent to:

Vector( (1,1,1), (1,1,2), ..., (1,1,10),  (1,2,1),..., (1,10,10)
      , (2,1,1), (2,1,2), ..., (2,1,10),  (2,2,1),..., (2,10,10)
      , ...,
      ,(10,1,1), (10,1,2),...,(10,1,10), (10,2,1),...,(10,10,10)
      ).filter { case (i, j, k) => i*i + j*j == k*k}

Systematic Search/Query

Note: filter Preserves Sequence Order

Hence, the expression

Vector( (1,1,1), (1,1,2), ..., (1,1,10),  (1,2,1),..., (1,10,10)
      , (2,1,1), (2,1,2), ..., (2,1,10),  (2,2,1),..., (2,10,10)
      , ...,
      ,(10,1,1), (10,1,2),...,(10,1,10), (10,2,1),...,(10,10,10)
      ).filter { case (i, j, k) => i*i + j*j == k*k}

evaluates to ...

D. Vector((3,4,5), (4,3,5), (6,8,10), (8,6,10))

Systematic Search/Query

Systematic Search/Query

val res = for (i <- 1 to 10;
               j <- 1 to 10;
               k <- 1 to 10
               if i*i + j*j == k*k && i <= j)
          yield (i, j, k)

Can Query More Interesting Objects

Brief Digression: Case Classes

Case Classes

case class Name(x1: T1, x2: T2, ..., xn: TN)

Creates a class Name with

  1. Immutable fields x1 of type T1 ... xn of type Tn
  1. Constructor method for object creation
  1. Extractor method for pattern matching (later...)

Case Classes: Example Novel

Here is a case class (just fancy records for now...)

case class Novel(title: String, author: String)

You can create instances thus (no need for new because Scala generates an apply for us)

scala> val n1 = Novel("A Feast For Crows", "George R. R. Martin")
n1: Novel = Novel(A Feast For Crows,George R. R. Martin)

// which is equivalent from Scala's view to...

scala> val n2 = Novel.apply("A Feast For Crows", "George R. R. Martin")
n2: Novel = Novel(A Feast For Crows,George R. R. Martin)

and access fields like so

scala> n1.author
n1: String = George R. R. Martin

Case Classes: Example Album

Here is another case class (just fancy records for now...)

case class Album(title: String, artist: String)

You can create instances thus (no need for new again)

scala> val a = Album("We are glitter", "Goldfrapp")
a: Album = Album(We are glitter,Goldfrapp)

Back to Querying More Interesting Objects

Database Style Queries

Suppose we have a "database" of novels

val novels =
  List( Novel ( "Skinny Legs and All"
              , "Tom Robbins")

      , Novel ( "Breakfast of Champions"
              , "Kurt Vonnegut")

      , Novel ( "An Object of Beauty"
              , "Steve Martin")

      , Novel ( "Sophie's Choice"
              , "William Styron")

      , Novel ( "The Other"
              , "Tom Tryon")

Database Style Queries

... and a "database" of albums

val albums =
  List( Album ( "Rare Bird Alert"
              , "Steve Martin")

      , Album ( "Paper Airplane"
              , "Alison Krauss and Union Station")

      , Album ( "Earl Scruggs and Friends"
              , "Earl Scruggs")

Database Style Queries

... and a "database" of movies

val movies =
  List( Movie ("Airplane",
               List ( "Leslie Nielsen", "Robert Stack"))

      , Movie ("Young Frankenstein",
               List ("Gene Wilder", "Madeline Kahn"))

      , Movie ("The Pink Panther",
               List ("Steve Martin", "Jean Reno"))

Query: Is there tripleThreat ?

A person who has

  1. written a book,
  2. acted in a movie,
  3. performed in an album ?

Query: Is there a tripleThreat ?

A person who has

  1. written a book,
  2. acted in a movie,
  3. performed in an album ?

Cue, nested loop query...

for (n <- novels;
     a <- albums;
     m <- movies;
     if (n.author == a.artist && m.actors.contains (n.author)))
yield (n.author)

Query: Is there a tripleThreat ?

A person who has

  1. written a book,
  2. acted in a movie,
  3. performed in an album ?

Cue, nested loop query...

for (n <- novels;
     a <- albums;
     m <- movies;
     if (n.author == a.artist && m.actors.contains (n.author)))
yield (n.author)

Which evaluates to

tripleThreats: List[String] = List(Steve Martin)

Even more magical: From Loops-to-SQL

You can define a special collection type such that the expression

for (n <- novels;
     a <- albums;
     m <- movies;
     if (n.author == a.artist && m.actors.contains (n.author)))
yield (n.author)

is automatically converted into an SQL (DataBase) query ...!

Today: Iteration AND Recursion

Elegant way to systematically

  1. Generate Combinations

  2. Search Combinations

  3. Generate & Search Combinations

Iteration + Recursion + Filter = Fun Ensues

Generate and Search: The N-Queens Puzzle

Given a chess board of size n rows and n columns

Find a placement of n queens so none can kill each other!

Generate and Search: The N-Queens Puzzle

Given a chess board of size n rows and columns

Find a placement of n queens so none can kill each other!

First: What is a Solution?

Generate and Search: The N-Queens Puzzle

The first question: what is a solution ?

Generate and Search: The N-Queens Puzzle

The first question: what is a solution ?

We represent each queen by its position XY: a pair of (row, col)

type XY = (Int, Int)

Generate and Search: The N-Queens Puzzle

The first question: what is a solution ?

We represent each queen by its position XY: a pair of (row, col)

type XY = (Int, Int)

One queen q1 can kill another q2 if

def canKill(q1: XY, q2: XY) =
  q1._1 == q2._1 ||                          // same row
  q1._2 == q2._2 ||                          // same column
  (q1._1 - q2._1).abs == (q1._2 - q2._2).abs // same diagonal

QUIZ: When is a board safe?

canKill(q1, q2) is true if a queen at q1 can kill another q2

queens : List[XY] is a list of occupied positions

q : XY is a new queen position.

Which expression evaluates to true exactly when none of queens can kill q ?

A. for (qo <- queens) yield !canKill(qo, q)

B. for (qo <- queens) yield canKill(qo, q)

C. queens.exists(!canKill(_,q))

D. queens.forall(!canKill(_,q))

E. queens.map(!canKill(_,q)).foldLeft(true)(_ && _)

When is a board safe?

canKill(q1, q2) is true if a queen at q1 can kill another q2

queens : List[XY] is a list of occupied positions

q : XY is a new queen position.

Board is Safe

Generate and Search: The N-Queens Puzzle

The first question: what is a solution ?

We represent each queen by its position XY: a pair of (row, col)

type XY = (Int, Int)

One queen q1 can kill another q2 if

def canKill(q1: XY, q2: XY) =
  eqRow(q1, q2) || eqCol(q1, q2) || eqDia(q1, q2)

A queen at q is safe w.r.t. other queens if:

def isSafe(queen: XY, others: List[XY]) =
  others forall (!canKill(_, queen))

Generate and Search: The N-Queens Puzzle

Given a chess board of size n rows and columns

Find a placement of n queens so none can kill each other!

def placeQueens(columns: Int, row: Int) : List[XY]

To place queens on row r ... 0

Generate and Search: The N-Queens Puzzle

Given a chess board of size n rows and columns

Find a placement of n queens so none can kill each other!



Generate and Search: The N-Queens Puzzle

Given a chess board of size n rows and columns

Find a placement of n queens so none can kill each other!

def placeQueens(columns: Int, row: Int) : List[List[XY]]

Strategy: Recursive Search

To place queens on row r ... 0

  1. (recursively) place queens on rows r-1 ... 0
  1. for each (recursive) solution
  1. for each column in row r
  1. yield position which isSafe w.r.t. recursive solution

Generate and Search: The N-Queens Puzzle

Given a chess board of size n rows and columns

Find a placement of n queens so none can kill each other!

Strategy: Recursive Search

def placeQueens(columns: Int, row: Int) : List[List[XY]] =
  if (row == 0)
    for { queens <- placeQueens(columns, row - 1)
          column <- 1 to columns
          queen   = (row, column)
          if isSafe(queen, queens) }
    yield (queen :: queens)

Generate and Search: The N-Queens Puzzle

Given a chess board of size n rows and columns

Find a placement of n queens so none can kill each other!

Lets run it: 4 Queens

Just printing the 1 solution (of several)

scala> Queens(4, 1)

Generate and Search: The N-Queens Puzzle

Given a chess board of size n rows and columns

Find a placement of n queens so none can kill each other!

Lets run it: 8 Queens

Just printing the 1 solution (there are many)

scala> Queens(8, 1)

Generate and Search: The N-Queens Puzzle

Given a chess board of size n rows and columns

Find a placement of n queens so none can kill each other!

Lets run it: 2 or 3 Queens

scala> Queens(2, 1)

scala> Queens(3, 1)


Iteration + Recursion + Filter = Fun Continues

Generate and Search: A Sudoku Solver

Generate and Search: A Sudoku Solver

Given A sudoku puzzle

5, 3,  ,  , 7,  ,  ,  ,
6,  ,  , 1, 0, 5,  ,  ,
 , 0, 8,  ,  ,  ,  , 6,
8,  ,  ,  , 6,  ,  ,  , 3
4,  ,  , 8,  , 3,  ,  , 1
7,  ,  ,  , 2,  ,  ,  , 6
 , 6,  ,  ,  ,  , 2, 8,
 ,  ,  , 4, 1, 0,  ,  , 5
 ,  ,  ,  , 8,  ,  , 7, 0

Generate and Search: A Sudoku Solver

Find A solution

5, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 0, 1, 2
6, 7, 2, 1, 0, 5, 3, 4, 8
1, 0, 8, 3, 4, 2, 5, 6, 7
8, 5, 0, 7, 6, 1, 4, 2, 3
4, 2, 6, 8, 5, 3, 7, 0, 1
7, 1, 3, 0, 2, 4, 8, 5, 6
0, 6, 1, 5, 3, 7, 2, 8, 4
2, 8, 7, 4, 1, 0, 6, 3, 5
3, 4, 5, 2, 8, 6, 1, 7, 0

First: What is a Board & Solution?

Generate and Search: Sudoku Solver

The first question: what is a sudoku board ?

Generate and Search: Sudoku Solver

The first question: what is a sudoku board ?

Representing Squares

We represent each square by its position XY: a pair of (row, col)

type XY = (Int, Int)

Generate and Search: Sudoku Solver

The first question: what is a sudoku board ?

Representing Squares

We represent each square by its position XY: a pair of (row, col)

type XY = (Int, Int)

Representing Boards

We represent the board by a (partial) map from XY to Int

type Board = Map[XY, Int]

Representing Sudoku Boards

5, 3,  ,  , 7,  ,  ,  ,
6,  ,  , 1, 0, 5,  ,  ,
 , 0, 8,  ,  ,  ,  , 6,
8,  ,  ,  , 6,  ,  ,  , 3
4,  ,  , 8,  , 3,  ,  , 1
7,  ,  ,  , 2,  ,  ,  , 6
 , 6,  ,  ,  ,  , 2, 8,
 ,  ,  , 4, 1, 0,  ,  , 5
 ,  ,  ,  , 8,  ,  , 7, 0

is represented by

Map ((0, 0) -> 5, (0, 1) -> 3, (0, 4) -> 7,
     (1, 0) -> 6, (1, 3) -> 1, (1, 4) -> 0, (1, 5) -> 5,
     (2, 1) -> 0, (2, 2) -> 8, (2, 7) -> 6,
     (3, 0) -> 8, (3, 4) -> 6, (3, 8) -> 3,
     (4, 0) -> 4, (4, 3) -> 8, (4, 5) -> 3, (4, 8) -> 1,
     (5, 0) -> 7, (5, 4) -> 2, (5, 8) -> 6,
     (6, 1) -> 6, (6, 6) -> 2, (6, 7) -> 8,
     (7, 3) -> 4, (7, 4) -> 1, (7, 5) -> 0, (7, 8) -> 5,
     (8, 4) -> 8, (8, 7) -> 7, (8, 8) -> 0)

Generate and Search: Sudoku Solver

Given a partially filled Sudoku Board

Find a way to fill in all squares

Strategy: Recursive Search

Generate and Search: Sudoku Solver

Given a partially filled Sudoku Board

Find a way to fill in all squares

Strategy: Recursive Search

def solve(b: Board) : Iterator[Board] = {
  val blanks = candidates(b)
  if (blanks.isEmpty) Iterator(b)
  else {
    val (xy, choices) = blanks minBy (_._2.length)
    for (choice <- choices.toIterator;
         bFull  <- solve(b + (xy -> choice)))
    yield bFull

Generate and Search: Sudoku Solver

def solve(b: Board) : Iterator[Board] = {
  val blanks = candidates(b)
  if (blanks.isEmpty) Iterator(b)
  else {
    val (xy, choices) = blanks minBy (_._2.length)
    for (choice <- choices.toIterator;
         bFull  <- solve(b + (xy -> choice)))
    yield bFull


Generate and Search: Sudoku Solver

Details: Computing candidates for a board

def candidates (b: Board) =
  for { x <- 0 until 9 ;
        y <- 0 until 9 ;
        if (!b.isDefinedAt((x,y))) ;
        xy   = (x, y) ;
        vals = (0 until 9) diff (alreadyTaken(x,y,b)) }
  yield (xy, vals)

Generate and Search: Sudoku Solver

Details: Computing alreadyTaken values for a square

def alreadyTaken(x: Int, y: Int, b: Board) =
  for (p <- pointsOfCol(x) ++
            pointsOfRow(y) ++
            pointsOfGrid(x, y)
       if b.isDefinedAt(p))
  yield b(p)

Generate and Search: Sudoku Solver

Details: Points in Same Grid

def pointsOfGrid(x: Int, y: Int) = {
  val (x0, y0) = ((x/3) * 3,  (y/3) * 3)
  for (px <- x0 until x0 + 3 ;
       py <- y0 until y0 + 3 )
  yield (px, py)

Details: Points in Same Row/Column

def pointsOfCol(x: Int) =
  for (y <- 0 until 9) yield (x, y)

def pointsOfRow(y: Int) =
  for (x <- 0 until 9) yield (x, y)

Lets run the solver!

Today: Iteration AND Recursion

Elegant way to systematically

  1. Generate Combinations

  2. Search Combinations

  3. Generate & Search Combinations

How ?