CSE 130 SP16- HW #5 (130 points)

Due by 23:59:59 pm on Friday, May 20th, 2016

Installing Scala

To download and install Scala on your home machines see:

Remember that this is only to enable you to play with the assignment at home: The final version turned in must work on the ACS Linux machines. While you can use Windows/Mac etc. to begin working with Scala, the code you turn in must be that required for the Linux environment.


The overall objective of this assignment is to introduce you to Scala, including classes, objects, closures, iteration as well as its functional features.

The assignment is spread over a single zip file hw5.zip. When you download and open it with unzip hw5.zip out come tumbling the following files

which contain several skeleton Scala functions, with missing bodies, which currently contain the placeholder text sys.error("TO BE WRITTEN"). Your task is to replace the placeholder text in those files with the appropriate Scala code for each case.

The zip also contains the following helper files that you will not modify

Assignment Testing and Evaluation

Your functions/programs must compile and/or run on a ACS Linux machine (e.g. ieng6.ucsd.edu) as this is where your solutions will be checked. While you may develop your code on any system, ensure that your code runs as expected on an ACS machine prior to submission. You should test your code in the directories from which the zip files (see below) will be created, as this will approximate the environment used for grading the assignment.

Most of the points, will be awarded automatically, by evaluating your functions against a given test suite. test.ml contains a very small suite of tests which gives you a flavor of of these tests. At any stage, by typing at the UNIX shell :

> make test | grep "130>>" > log

you will get a report on how your code stacks up against the simple tests.

The last line of the file log must contain the word ``Compiled" otherwise you get a zero for the whole assignment.

If for some problem, you cannot get the code to compile, leave it as is with the sys.error("TO BE DONE") with your partial solution enclosed below as a comment.

The second last line of the log file will contain your overall score, and the other lines will give you a readout for each test. You are encouraged to try to understand the code in Test.scala, and subsequently devise your own tests and add them to Test.scala, but you will not be graded on this.

Alternately, inside the Scala shell, type:

scala> import Test._ 
scala> Test() 
130>> Results: ...
130>> Compiled

and it should return a pair of integers, reflecting your score and the max possible score on the sample tests. If instead an error message appears, your code will receive a zero.

Submission Instructions

To turn-in your solution, simply type

$ make turnin

in the directory in which you are working.

turnin will provide you with a confirmation of the submission process; make sure that the size of the file indicated by turnin matches the size of your zip file. See the ACS Web page on turnin for more information on the operation of the program.


Using .scala Files

$ scalac Misc.scala

However, we have provided a Makefile to make things easier. So you should just enter

$ make 

and that will compile all the files pertaining to the assignment.

scala> :load Misc.scala

Loading Misc.scala...
import java.io.File
defined module Lines

scala> val zs = Lines.list("Misc.scala")
zs: List[String] = List(import java.io.File, "", /********************************************************/, /********** Helper Functions: Read/Write Files **********/, /********************************************************/, "", object Lines {, "  ", "  def iterator(file: String) : Iterator[String] = { ", "    val f = new File(file)", "    scala.io.Source.fromFile(f).getLines()", "  }", " ", "  def list(file: String) : List[String] = { ", "    val buf   = scala.io.Source.fromFile(new File(file)) ", "    val lines = buf.getLines().toList", "    buf.close()", "    lines ", "  }", "", }, "", // vim: set ts=2 sw=2 et:, "")

Problem 1: Warm-Up (Words.scala)

(a) 5 points

Fill in the definition for def apply)

def apply(file: String) : Iterator[String] = 
  sys.error("TO BE WRITTEN")

inside object Words. The function takes as input a filename file and returns an Iterator over the words in the file converted to lower-case. The input file will have one word per line. The resulting words should be returned in a list in the same order they occur in the input file. When you are done, you should get the following behavior in the REPL:

scala> val zs = Words("words")
zs: Iterator[String] = non-empty iterator

scala> zs.next
res0: String = aditya

scala> zs.next
res1: String = adivasi

scala> zs.next
res2: String = adiz

scala> zs.next
res3: String = 1080

(b) 10 points

Next, complete the definition of the function

def groupFreq[A,B](xs: Iterator[A], f: A => B): HashMap[B, Int] =
  sys.error("TO BE WRITTEN")

As indicated by the type, the function takes an xs: Iterator[A] and a grouping function f that converts A values into their B group. The function should return a HashMap that counts for each B group, the number of A values that fell into the group.

When you are done, you should get the following behavior:

scala> Words.groupFreq(Words.inti.iterator, Words.isEven)
res9: scala.collection.immutable.HashMap[String,Int] = Map(Odd -> 5, Even -> 2)

(c) 5 points

Write a function

def sizeFreq(file: String): HashMap[Int, Int] 

that uses groupFreq to compute HashMap that maps the word-lengths to the number of words of that length. Once you have implemented the function, you should get the following behavior:

scala> val wf = Words.sizeFreq("words")
res0: scala.collection.immutable.HashMap[Int,Int] = 
  Map( 5 -> 25099, 10 -> 54640, 24 -> 19, 25 -> 9, 14 -> 19300
     , 20 -> 508, 29 -> 2, 1 -> 53, 6 -> 41696, 28 -> 2, 21 -> 239
     , 9 -> 62608, 13 -> 27947, 2 -> 1271, 45 -> 1, 17 -> 4012
     , 22 -> 103, 27 -> 3, 12 -> 37559, 7 -> 53939, 3 -> 6221
     , 18 -> 2008, 16 -> 7128, 31 -> 1, 11 -> 46474, 26 -> 2, 23 -> 50
     , 8 -> 62332, 30 -> 1, 19 -> 1052, 4 -> 13209, 15 -> 12140)

scala> wf(4)
res5: Int = 13209

scala> wf(30)
res3: Int = 1

scala> wf(12)
res4: Int = 37559

(d) 10 points

Write a function

def charFreq(file: String): HashMap[Char, Int] 

that uses groupFreq to compute HashMap that maps each Char to the number of times the Char appears across all the entire file file. Note that you should combine upper- and lower-case occurences of each char and return just the score for the lower-case Char.

Once you have implemented the function, you should get the following behavior:

scala> val cf = Words.charFreq("words")
res0: scala.collection.immutable.HashMap[Char, Int] ..

scala> cf('d')
res3: Int = 155630

scala> cf('z')
res4: Int = 18107

scala> cf('e')
res5: Int = 484449

(e) 5 points

Write a function

def wordsOfSize(file: String, size: Int) : Iterator[String] 

which returns an iterator over all the words in file that have length equal to size. When you are done, you should get the following behavior:

scala> Words.wordsOfSize("words", 29).toList
res10: List[String] = List(cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine, trinitrophenylmethylnitramine)

(f) 5 points

Write a function

def wordsWithAllVowels(file: String): Iterator[String]

which returns an iterator over all the words in file that contain all the vowels. When you are done, you should get the following behavior:

scala> val vows = Words.wordsWithAllVowels("words")
vows: Iterator[String] = non-empty iterator

scala> vows.next
res2: String = abdomino-uterotomy

scala> vows.next
res3: String = abevacuation

scala> vows.next
res4: String = abietineous

scala> vows.next
res5: String = abiogenous

scala> vows.next
res6: String = aboideau

scala> vows.next
res7: String = aboideaus

(g) 5 points

Write a function

def wordsWithNoVowels(file: String): Iterator[String]

which returns an iterator over all the words in file that do not contain any vowels. When you are done, you should get the following behavior:

scala> Words.wordsWithNoVowels("words").toList
res0: List[String] = List(1080, 10th, 1st, 2, 2,4,5-t, 2,4-d, 2d, 2nd, 30-30, 3-d, 3-d, 3d, 3m, 3rd, 4-d, 4gl, 4h, 4th, 5-t, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, b, b-, b, b911, b/b, bb, bb, bbb, b.b.c., bbc, bbl, bbl, bbl., bbls, bbn, bbs, bbxrt, b.c., b/c, bc, bcbs, bcc, bcd, bcd, bcf, b.ch., bch, bch, bchs, b.c.l., bcl, bcm, bcp, bcpl, bcr, bcs, bcwp, bcws, b.d., b/d, bd, bd, bd., bdc, bdd, bdf, bdft, bdl, bdl., bdls, bdrm, b.d.s., bds, bds, bdt, b/f, bf, b.f., bf, bfd, bfdc, bfhd, bfr, bfs, bft, bg, bg, bglr, bgp, bh, bhc, bhd, bhl, bhp, bhp, bht, bk, bk, bk., bkbndr, bkcy, bkcy., bkg, bkg., bkgd, bklr, bkpr, bkpt, bks, bks., bkt, b.l., b/l, bl, b/l, bl, bl., bld, bldg, bldg., bldr, blds, blf, blk, blk., bll, blm, bls, bls, blt, blv, blvd, blvd, bly, blynn, blyth, b.m., bm, bm, bmg, bmj, bmp, b...

(h) 10 points

Finally, write a function

def wordsMatchingRegexp(file: String, re: Regex): Iterator[String] 

which loads the words from the file file which match the regular expression re. Recall that we have already seen regular expressions in PA4, see this for information on how to match strings against regular expressions in Scala. Once you have implemented the function, you should get the following behavior in the REPL:

scala> val re1 = new Regex("""^[a-z].{2}$""")
re1: scala.util.matching.Regex = ^[a-z].{2}$
scala> val ws1 = Words.wordsMatchingRegexp("words", re1).take(5).toList
ws1: List[String] = List(a-1, aaa, aaa, aae, aaf)

scala> val re2 = new Regex("""^ca.*{2}e$""")
re2: scala.util.matching.Regex = ^ca.*{2}e$
scala> val ws2 = Words.wordsMatchingRegexp("words", re2).take(5).toList
ws2: List[String] = List(caballine, cabane, cabbage, cabbagelike, cabbage-tree)

scala> val re3 = new Regex("""^xYx.*$""")
scala> val ws3 = Words.wordsMatchingRegexp("words", re3).take(5).toList
ws3: List[String] = List()

Problem 2: Password Cracking

For this problem, you will write a simple dictionary-based password cracker. This should primarily be an exercise in string manipulation and data structures. You will be attempting to crack as many passwords as possible in a UNIX password file. The passwords are encrypted using the UNIX crypt() function. For more information see man passwd man crypt on UNIX or Linux.

(a) 5 points

Write a Scala function

def transformReverse(w: String) : Iterator[String]

which takes a string and returns an iterator containing the the original string and the reversal of the original string. When you are done, you should get the following behavior (the order of the results is not important):

scala> Crack.transformReverse("caterpillar").toList
res1: List[String] = List(caterpillar, rallipretac)

(b) 10 points

Write a Scala function

def transformCapitalize(w: String) : Iterator[String] 

which takes a string and returns an iterator containing all the possible ways to capitalize the input string. When you are done, you should get the following behavior (the order of the results is not important):

scala> Crack.transformCapitalize("taco").toList
res4: List[String] = List(taco, tacO, taCo, taCO, tAco, tAcO, tACo, tACO, Taco, TacO, TaCo, TaCO, TAco, TAcO, TACo, TACO)

(c) 15 points

Write a Scala function

def transformDigits(w:String) : Iterator[String]

which should return return a list of all possible ways to replace letters with similar looking digits according to the following mappings. This should be done without regard to the capitalization of the input string, however when a character is not replaced with a digit, the character’s capitalization should be preserved.

o -> 0 i,l -> 1
z -> 2 e -> 3
a -> 4 s -> 5
b -> 6, 8 t -> 7
g,q -> 9

When you are done, you should get the following behavior (the order of the results is not important):

scala> Crack.transformDigits("Bow").toList
res0: List[String] = List(Bow, B0w, 6ow, 60w, 8ow, 80w)

(d) 10 points

Write a function Entry.apply

def apply(line: String) : Entry

which takes a string – a line from the file passwd – and returns an instance of the case class Entry (which has fields account, password, UID, GID, GECOS, directory, and shell). The UID and GID fields should be returned as integers. The passwd file contains lines of the following format:


(See this for more information.)

Once you have implemented the function, you should get the following behavior:

scala> val e = Entry("checani:IqAFDoIjL2cDs:1:1:Pengpu Checani:/home/checani:/bin/bash")
e: Entry = Entry(checani,IqAFDoIjL2cDs,1,1,Pengpu Checani,/home/checani,/bin/bash)

scala> e.password
res1: String = IqAFDoIjL2cDs

scala> e.account
res2: String = checani

Hint: The function .split method may be of use.

(e) 15 + 25 points

The Scala function

def checkPassword(plain: String, enc: String) : Boolean

takes a plain-text password, plain, and an encrypted password enc and returns true if plain encrypts to enc using the function Crypt.crypt (provided in the Java file Crypt.java).

scala> Crack.checkPassword("asarta","IqAFDoIjL2cDs")
res3: Boolean = true

scala> Crack.checkPassword("asartaz","IqAFDoIjL2cDs")
res4: Boolean = false

Use the above to write a function Crack.apply

def apply(pwdFile: String, wordsFile: String, outFile: String) : Unit 

which takes a password file name pwdFile, a file with a list of words named wordsFile and a string corresponding to an output file named outFile. The function apply should generate candidate passwords from the words in wordsFile by applying the various transformations (transformReverse, transformDigits, and transformCapitalize).

Attempt to crack as many of the passwords in the password file as possible. As passwords are discovered, they should be written to the output file in the following format:

for example,

After each line is written, the output file should be flushed. Your function will only be allowed to run for a limited amount of time (several minutes). Thus, you should attempt to crack the easiest passwords first. All passwords in the input file are between 6 and 8 characters and can be cracked using words in the provided dictionary along with a combination of the transformations above. The base points will be provided if all the passwords which are untransformed strings can be cracked. Fractional credit will be proportional to the number of additional passwords cracked, with the students cracking the most extra words getting the full 25 points.

Once you have implemented the function, you should get the following behavior:

scala> Crack("passwd", "words", "out")

  # time passes ...
  # Hit Ctrl-C


The file out should contain something like the following:


Alternately, at the UNIX prompt:

$ make crack
$ scala Crack passwd words out

and as the program runs, it should produce the above output in the file out.